Plaque Attack!

We will be experimenting and innovating teeth-brushing technology to be more efficient at cleaning your teeth.
Anthony Souryal Michael Elyas
Grade 8


The Problem We Are Solving.

       Proper dental hygiene is crucial not only for maintaining oral health but also for overall well-being. The ramifications of inadequate dental care extend far beyond mere toothaches or bad breath; they can have profound effects on one's physical and mental health.

       Firstly, let's dive into the physical consequences. Gingivitis, the inflammation of the gums, is often a result of poor oral hygiene practices. If left untreated, it can progress to periodontitis, a more severe form of gum disease that can lead to tooth loss. Moreover, the bacteria responsible for these conditions can enter the bloodstream, increasing the risk of systemic diseases such as diabetes and cardiovascular disease. Research has shown a significant correlation between poor oral health and these conditions, highlighting the importance of dental care in maintaining overall health.

       Furthermore, tooth decay, commonly known as cavities, is a prevalent issue stemming from inadequate brushing and flossing. Cavities not only cause pain and discomfort but can also lead to infections if left untreated, potentially necessitating invasive dental procedures. Such treatments not only incur financial costs but can also contribute to anxiety and fear surrounding dental visits, perpetuating the cycle of poor oral health.

       Beyond the physical implications, the psychological toll of dental neglect should not be overlooked. Chronic bad breath and visible dental issues can erode self-confidence and lead to social withdrawal, affecting relationships and overall quality of life. Insecurity about one's smile can hinder professional success and hinder personal interactions, exacerbating feelings of isolation and low self-esteem.

       Addressing these challenges requires a multifaceted approach. Education and awareness campaigns are essential to inform individuals about the importance of proper dental hygiene practices. Access to affordable dental care should be prioritized to ensure that all members of society can receive timely treatment and preventive measures. Additionally, destigmatizing discussions around oral health and seeking professional care is crucial in fostering a culture of proactive dental care.

       By recognizing the holistic impact of inadequate dental hygiene and taking proactive steps to address it, we can safeguard not only the smiles of our nation but also the physical and mental well-being of its inhabitants. Investing in dental health today is an investment in a healthier, happier future for all.


The Method We Used for this Project.

       Our project journey has been quite the ride, filled with steps and guidance that brought us to where we are today. Each step played its part, shaping our experience and ultimately leading to the success of the project. From the initial observation and curious questions to crafting hypotheses and conducting experiments, we've navigated through it all with determination and a sprinkle of creativity. Analyzing data and drawing conclusions was like connecting the dots, and now, as we stand on the verge of sharing our findings, it feels like the culmination of a thrilling adventure. We're excited to communicate our discoveries, knowing that they contribute to the larger conversation and push the boundaries of what we know.

       In essence, it's been a journey of exploration, collaboration, and a bit of trial and error. But through it all, we've grown, learned, and are ready to take our next steps in the world of scientific inquiry.

  1. We researched everything there is to know about oral health and how to maintain your teeth. Along the road, we also learned about the mouth, teeth, and even gums to ensure the result of this project is spot on and had no foreseeable issues or setbacks.
  2. We reached out to dental practices around Airdrie, where we abide, and collaborated with them to design, plan, research, and produce a final product that will effectively clean your teeth.
    • They gave us some insight and ideas to contibute to the project, such as the idea of removeable heads which can consist of multiple tools that aid your teeth such as waterpicks or tongue scrapers. Instead of buying a toothbrush, tongue scraper etc, it is an all in one tool, so people can be more keen to doing everything since it is in one place 
  3. We designed the product using a program called Tinkercad, which we learned how to use in school. Once we approved the design with our rep team at Bayside Dental
  4. Once everything was ready and good to go, we began production. We 3D printed the prototype using PLA filament to manufacture our first design. It looked good, but we made a few more, each with a few minor adjustments which would best suit the final product.
  5. Once we have our final product, which we are still tweaking, we plan on profesionilizing it with packaging, a website and patent pending toothpaste, which we need FDA approval for, which Bayside Dental will take care of (hopefully)


The Analysis from our Project.

       In our science project, we aimed to investigate the factors influencing people's oral hygiene habits and preferences. Our analysis encompassed various aspects, including the effectiveness of different brushing techniques, the impact of toothpaste composition and flavor, and the design of toothbrush prototypes tailored to individual needs.

  1. Behavioral Insights:

    • People tend to be more inclined to perform tasks when they are easily accessible, highlighting a tendency towards convenience.
    • Understanding this inclination towards convenience (or laziness) is crucial in designing oral hygiene products that encourage regular use.
  2. Brushing Techniques Evaluation:

    • Through comparative analysis, we found that the circular brushing method yielded the most favorable results among the three techniques tested (circular, sulcular, and scrub).
    • This finding emphasizes the importance of promoting effective brushing techniques to ensure optimal oral health outcomes.
  3. Toothpaste Analysis:

    • We conducted a thorough examination of various toothpaste formulations, considering factors such as taste, flavor, and active ingre
    • dients.
    • Our analysis aimed to identify toothpaste formulations that not only effectively clean teeth but also cater to consumer preferences, enhancing user experience.
  4. Toothbrush Design Prototypes:

    • Prototypes of toothbrushes were developed and analyzed to optimize their design for user comfort and efficacy.
    • The analysis incorporated considerations such as the size and shape of different individuals' hands to ensure ergonomic fit and ease of use.
  5. Mechanical Components:

    • Investigation into mechanical components such as motors, circuits, and other mechanical features of toothbrush prototypes was conducted.
    • Understanding the mechanical aspects of toothbrush design is essential for developing innovative and efficient oral care products.


The Conclusion of this Project.

       In summary, our quest to enhance oral health has been an enlightening adventure filled with collaboration, creativity, and perseverance. Partnering closely with dental professionals, we set out to develop a comprehensive solution for better dental hygiene. Through extensive research and brainstorming sessions, we conceptualized an innovative oral care device that combines multiple essential tools into one convenient package.

       Drawing on the expertise of dentists and hygienists, we meticulously crafted a design that addresses common oral health concerns while prioritizing ease of use and effectiveness. Utilizing cutting-edge 3D printing technology, we iteratively refined our prototypes, fine-tuning every aspect to ensure optimal performance and user satisfaction.

       Our journey has been marked by countless hours of testing, feedback gathering, and continuous improvement. Each iteration brought us closer to our vision of creating a product that not only simplifies dental care routines but also promotes better overall oral health outcomes.

       As we approach the final stages of development, we are focused on adding the finishing touches to our product. This includes designing attractive packaging that communicates the value and versatility of our oral care device, as well as creating a user-friendly website to showcase its features and benefits.

       Additionally, we are actively pursuing FDA approval for a special toothpaste formulation that complements our device, further enhancing its effectiveness in promoting oral hygiene. We recognize the importance of ensuring safety and efficacy, and obtaining regulatory approval is a crucial step in bringing our product to market.

       In essence, our journey has been one of innovation, collaboration, and dedication to improving the lives of individuals through better oral health. By providing a convenient and effective solution for dental care, we aim to empower people to take control of their oral hygiene and enjoy healthier smiles for years to come

Thank you so much for reading!


We want to take a moment to acknowledge the people who went out of their way to help us with our project.

Thank you to:

  • Bayside Dental and Orthodontics for collaborating and aiding us.
  • Our Parents with experience, one with dental experience for cheering us on and getting us back up on our feet.
  • Zane Edwards for allowing us to do tests on you
  • Mr. Wong and Joseph Acevedo for letting us use your 3D printers. 
  • Mrs Gallant for aiding and guiding us through the reginals side of this project
  • And YOU! for judging and reading our pages.