What an electromagnetic train is and how it works

A train that includes magnetic fields that push it forward and small motor ran by 2 double batteries.
Obaid Mian Tanmay Narang
Grade 5


No video provided


Our guess is that if you take two magnets, one that faces the north side and the other one also faces north side, they will repel

And when magnets repel, the push each other forward. So that is our hypothesis how our train is going to move.

We also think that, if you add motors, it will give the train a boost.


So our hypothesis was right. We are going to use two magnets with the same poles, and they will attract. 

And when magnets attract, they push each other forward. So that is how the train will move.

We were also correct, that if you use motors, it will give the train a little boost.


So we realized, that what happens if the train falls off? We needed to make sure it would not fall off. So we decided to add wood to the sides so the wood would prevent the train, from falling off. That was the Dependent Variable. 

The controlled variables are to keep the magnets repelling, to push the train and add motors to give it a boost.


So we will need: 2 by 2 wood, 6  three vault motors, two magnets, posters, wheels.


We realized that the train could fall off because the magnets make it turn too much. 

So to prevent that from happening we added wood to block it from falling off.


So we tried experimenting our train and there was one problem. 

The train fell off. So what we did was, we added some wood on the edges to prevent the train from  falling off.


We learned that: when two magnets repel, they move each other. When you add motors, they give things a little boost, and also this proves that electricity and magnetism are related, and work together.


So the train will be ran by two magnets facing same poles, so the train could move. The motors will give the train a boost. The walls will prevent the train from falling off

Sources Of Error

The sources of error are that the magnets can attract and the train can go off the track.


®electro magnetic train citations: We

got resources from youtube and our sience teacher.


I would like to acknowledge the assistance provided in this project by our parents, teacher and siblings to make this project a reality.


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