Evolution of Whales

Show the history odd as it may seem, a four-footed land mammal named Pakicetus, living some 50 million years ago in what we know as Pakistan today, bears the title of “first whale.” Straddling the two worlds of land and sea, the wolf-sized animal
Devin McLenaghan Hawi Markos
Grade 5


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We are interested in whales, all kinds of whales. We know that lots of whales are endangered and we want to research everything about whales to see what we can learn and if there is anything we can do to help. By looking at how whales evolved it might help people understand better what they need to continue to survive. 


We reserached our information using Google and Wikipedia. 

Some of the questions we searched up are:

Evolution of Whales?

How endangered are whales?

How are whales injured in the wild?



The evolution of whales started with the first whale, the pakicetus. While most of the animals were trying to claw their way up to land the pakicetus chose to start life in the water not on land. As they swam they also ate the krill to keep them growing. As they grew they came bigger to whales what they are now, but when there was not enough food around they would be prey to other large predators. But when gobal warming came the krill came to where the whales lived, and the whales feasted on them. The whales grew bigger after that. The largest whale ever found was the blue whale the blue whale is huge! FUN FACT: did you know whales are bigger than elephants, wooly mammoths, and dinosaurs! When I heard that I was like "woah!" "whales are that big?!" its so cool the evolution of whales has tons of suprises!


34 whales have been known dead.

50 known dead or serious injuries.

368 whales.


As we learn about how whales are endangered and how global warming affects their way of life we want to know more. To help solve this problem it is importnant to not pollute the ocean and to avoid dumping the unwanted plastic matereals and chemicals in the ocean. To improve  global warming by planting more trees, reduce CO2 (carbon dioxsid) from factoris and cars. It can be a big change to our planet earth and the life of whales. 


Thank you Ms. Watson for all the help she has done and for all the explanetions she has done when we need it. A big thank you to Devin for the help too. I am happy that she got to help out. A thank you to my sister for all the help and the inspiration. A thank you to my mom and dad for encouraging me to keep triying when I felt like giving up.