Music for studying

This project aims to study if the music is helpful in study. During the research, different sources were searched to find out the scientific evidence of this hypothesis.
Aayush Paudyal Pramod Gautam
Grade 6


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9:45 PM

At my home

Science fair


So I  (Pramod) have thought of 6 questions and the questions are

Does music help you study?

Which music helps you study better?

Which subject does music help you study better in?

How does music interfere with your body, soul, heart and mind?

Does the different volume of the music affect your study 

What else can music help you on other then study?



1). Music helps you study 2024/01/16

5:35 PM

At our home

Science fair


So we googled “does music help you study,” and this is what we found:

1). It has been proven that listening to certain types of music can help you and reduce stress Link 1

2). Music can improve your mood, motivate you and can help you study Link 2 

3). When it comes to studying, many people find that it is easier to study when listening to music  Link 3



5:24 PM

At our home

Science fair 


So we googled “which music helps you study better” and this is what we found:

1). So the best genre of music to listen to when studying are minimalist, classical, piano and low-fi music  Link 1

2). Specifically classical music helps your brain learn more stuff Link 2

3). The best genres to listen to are classical, timed tempos, instrumental ambient sounds, nature sounds and modern electronic Link 3 


So we googled “which subject does music help you study better in” and this is what we found:

1). Classical music helps better in math  Link


5:11 PM

Science fair


2). songs without lyrics- great when reading and writing Link 2



9:36 AM

At our home

Science Fair 


We made the variable:

Controlled: Volume, The worksheets

Manipulated: Genre, Subject

Responding: If it helps or not in studying  



7:30 PM

Science fair 


We asked the teacher for help to find another link for the question  “Which subject does music help you better in” and these are what  she found:


 3). Harmonious sounds of Mozart, Beethoven or Bach can create an optimal study atmosphere which allows you to dive deeper into complex mathematical and scientific concepts Link 3


4). Natural music are found to be really effective that it could be one of the best genre of music to listen to when studying math Link 4


 5). Genres of music best to listen to while writing, reading or studying include minimalist, classical, piano and low-fi music Link 5 


So we googled “ how does music interfere with your body, soul, heart and mind” and this is what we found:


1). When singing, playing instruments and dancing to music can help reduce body pain Link 1 


2). Music also helps lower blood pressure Link 2


3). Music changes our heart rates, blood pressure, breathing and alters our heart rate variability Link 3



So we googled “does the different volume of the music affect your studying” and this is what we found:


1). If the music is to loud it can disturb your thinking Link 1


2). If music is intense it can be distracting Link 2


3). To get full benefit volume should not be to loud but minimize Link 3


So we googled “What else can music help you on other then study” and this is what we found:

Music also helps with memory, learning, cognitive function, quality of life, movement and well being Link 1


2) Music helps Anxiety, stress Link 2


3). Listening music can reduce stress  Link 3




At our home

Science fair

Scientific Problem


Did you know that now days a lot of people use music when studying, working, or etc… The reason behind this is actually really cool. When you are studying do you find it easier to study with music if it does then that is probably because music helps you lose stress, releases any problems, if you are in pain it helps releases the pain, lowers heart rate, breathing rate and blood pressure…


When people listen to music it should not be too loud because if it is too loud it can lose your concentration and instead of studying you would just be wasting your time. If you are putting music on, you should make it a little quieter to make it background music because if it is distracting you will probably just start singing the song instead of actually studying. When studying you should do music that you like but not music that distracts you. 


If you are going to study you should make your playlist in your free time instead of the time you are studying because then you are wasting your time. If you do not know what music to put on, then we recommend to listen to white music, classical music, natural music, lo-fi music or piano music because they are the best music to listen to and they help keep your concentration. Listening to music can reduce stress and problems, and when you listen to music and study, it can help you because when you study you can  be stressed because you could be studying for an upcoming test or etc, but if you use music that stress can be reduced.




At our homes

Science fair






We learned that if the music is distracting then it will not help you in your studying but if the music helps instead of studying then it will help you in your study. If we were to do these again then we will start taking time to work this out. We would also take more time doing this science fair.




Our  hypothesis matched our research because if the music is distracting it would not help but if it is not distracting and not very loud it will help. Our hypothesis matched all our questions. We answered our questions. Our hypothesis matched our experiment but for ELA classical or nature music didn’t help do it faster and get more correct. For math and social our hypothesis matched our experiment.


                                                   List of Materials


1). Worksheets 

2). Pencils 

3). Earrpods and headphones

4). Music

5). Timer





To do our experiment you first need to find a worksheet then you need to get earphones or headphones and a pencil. After that, make sure you also have a timer with you. Then you should go some way quiet and then you should out on one type of genre and it’s song. After putting on a song put on a timer and start the worksheet. Then grade it and write the time, song, genre and your wrongs and corrects.































Our  hypothesis matched our research because if the music is distracting it would not help but if it is not distracting and not very loud it will help. Our hypothesis matched all our questions. We answered our questions. Our hypothesis matched our experiment but for ELA classical or nature music didn’t help do it faster and get more correct. For math and social, our hypothesis matched our experiment.



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