Grade: 7

The Impacts of Genetic Modification On Humans, Plants, Animals and Microorganisms

Is genetic modification actually good for the planet? I will be researching the advantages and disadvantages of genetic modification on humans, plants, animals, and microorganisms.

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Grade: 5

The Jerk

Like an avalanche backpack that is meant to jerk skateboarder/scooter rider off of dangerous falls by breaking the falls. Proof of concept.

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Grade: 7

"The magic of sound"

To use sound waves to "levitate" small objects, Styrofoam balls, pieces of tissue ETC.

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Grade: 9

The Material of Cup Affecting The Temperature of Liquid Inside

We will be using digital cooking thermometers to measure the temperature of the hot drink in each cup. This will help others know which cup is better.

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Grade: 8

The Micro-Guard Microplastic Collector

Small specs of microplastics in our water bodies are growing at a constant rate. How can we use robots to solve this problem before it's too late?

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CYSF Travel Award
Pathways Alliance Award for Innovation and Sustainability
Grade: 8

The Novelty of cFDNA: The Future of Adenocarcinoma Cures.

In my research project, I will be showing that cFDNA biomarker is more effective and better than the traditional methods used today for Adenocarcinoma cancer like Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) and Computerized Tomography (CT).

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Grade: 5

The Perfect Shot

Shooting from middle range in five different on the court to find the optimal spot to shoot from.

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Grade: 6

The Plant In space

My project will be about growing plants without soil and water but with sunlight and it will be comparing the growth of the plants that are growing in soil and the plant that is growing in the microgravity.

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Alberta Teachers’ Association, Calgary Public Teachers’ Local 38 Awards -Elementary
Grade: 7

The Plastic Paradox

Paving the way to a cleaner environment

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