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Grade: 6

5 second rule

I put food on the floor for 1,5,10 and 15 seconds to see with amount of time has the most bacteria growth. I see this by seeing the amount of bacteria colones.

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Grade: 6

5 Second Rule

How is food effected by being on the ground for a period of time (5, 10, 15 seconds)?

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Grade: 5

A Brush of Science

An experiment to determine the best brand of antiseptic mouthwash to clean my toothbrush.

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Grade: 6

Acid Rain Go Away?

The effects of acid rain compared to normal rain on plants. Acid rain for this project is created based on different ph levels in the water.

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Grade: 8

A Clean Future: With Plasma Technologies

Can plasma technologies be utilized for hand sanitization? We consume significant amounts of water and produce substantial waste in the manufacturing of soap and alcohol sanitizers. Why not explore an alternative method of sanitization without any drawbac

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Grade: 7

A Creative Solution to Traffic Flow

In our project, we aim to create an entire new traffic system, which we hope will speed up traffic flow as well as make it more safe for people on the road.

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Grade: 6

A cup of placebo effect.

In this project we will explain how caffeine works and test what happens when adults get decaf coffee instead of caffeinated coffee.

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Grade: 5

Adaptation of Tulips to a Changing Climate

My project is on the adaptation of tulips to climate change. It is focused on whether tulips will be able to survive in the future as climate change impacts alter temperature, pollution, flood and drought risk.

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Grade: 10

Advancing Brain-Computer Interface Technology through Innovative Design for Enhanced Human-Machine Interaction

The design, prototyping, and testing of a BCI (brain-computer interface) system for the neural recording and stimulation of neurons and neural tissue within the central nervous system using novel ideas and designs within microfabrication techniques.

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CYSF Travel Award
University of Calgary Chancellor and Senate Award
Nutrien Physical Science Award
CYSF Top Intermediate Award
Grade: 7

Affect of Chemicals in Water Given to Radishes on its Growth and Edibility

Testing the effect of hydrocarbons, sodium, and coconut milk in the water given to the Cherry Belle radish plant.

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Grade: 8

Affordable 3D Printed Medicine

As there are already 3D medicine made, we thought of maybe making a more affordable option for anyone and make it quickly at home. Cheaper filamter, better printing settings, alternate materials etc.

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Grade: 5

A fluoride a day keeps the acidity away

The effect of fluoride on teeth with acidic liquid consumption

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CYSF Director's Award
Grade: 6

A green revolution

Our project is the development of a capture device that can effectively remove extra CO2 from the air with a limited amount of power. Also, we will test to see if piped in CO2 and KOH can make plants grow faster and more efficiently.

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Pathways Alliance Award for Innovation and Sustainability Runner Up
Grade: 8

A Healthy Gut Microbiome Is a Healthy You

In our project we will research about commonly consumed foods and how they affect your gut microbiome.

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Grade: 5

A Heathy Heart

Heart system and Heart diseases

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Grade: 9

AI or Not?

Is it possible to know what is or isn't AI generated? In my project, I go over how AI affects the world and if it really is possible to determine the origin of a piece of writing.

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Grade: 6

Air Time a projeict on air quality and gentics afects on lung cancer

In this project we will be researching how air quality and genetics affect your chances of getting lung cancer in Canada and America.

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Grade: 8

Algal Biofuels

can alage be a viabel alternative to traditional petroleum.

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Grade: 6

All About Slime!

Which household item activates glue to make the best slime? Our definition of “best slime” is slime that is physically and visually the consistency of gak slime (or slime made using borax).

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Grade: 9

Alzheimer's Speaks: Lingustic Impairment and Vocabulary Richness in Alzheimer's Disease

I measured vocabulary richness in individuals with and without Alzheimer's Disease.

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CYSF Intermediate/Senior Life Science Award
Dr. Werner Becker Clinical Neuroscience Award
Grade: 10

A Machine Learning Approach for Predicting Length of Stay at the Emergency Department

This projects utilizes Random Forest models to classify and predict the length of stay for patients going to the emergency department.

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Grade: 6

A Matter of Time

I will be checking which method of timekeeping is most accurate: Solar time or Sidereal time.

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Grade: 6

Amazing AI

Seeing if teachers can identify ChatGPT generated paragraphs versus grade 6 student written paragraphs.

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Grade: 8

A missing chapter in human history

This project will asses the claims many 'scientists' have made that pre-ice age human societies may have been more advanced then we previously thought.

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Grade: 9

Analyzing the Effect of the Enjoyment of Activities on Humans' Perception of Time

We will be analyzing humans' perception of time after doing an activity that they either like or dislike.

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Grade: 8

Analyzing the Impact of Music on Human Heart Rate

Testing the affect on peoples heart rates when music is played

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Grade: 8

Anatomy of a Deer Heart

I will dissect a deer heart to explore its anatomy and function, and will then cook the meat of the heart to make heart tacos. I will then serve the tacos to my family and see if they would accept it as an alternate food source.

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Grade: 8

An Emergency Multi-use Mobile Powered-Air Purifier Pod for Outdoor Respiratory Protection

The aim of this project is to construct and test a powered air purifier "pod" for respiratory protection, to reduce the exposure of various wildfire pollutants such as, particulate matter (PM), Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC’s), etc.

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CYSF Travel Award
Amer Soc Heating, Refrig, Air Cond Award
Grade: 9

A New Direction

In this project I look at the various ways a fourth dimension can exist or not exist. Specifically: the topics of time and space as a dimensions are deeply discussed, along with the applications and purposes of looking at dimensions in this way.

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Grade: 11

An In Silico Approach to Mine Mimotopes from the Gut Microbiome that Trigger Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus

Find bacteria that create mimotopes in the gut microbiome, find differences in the metabolic pathways of these bacteria compared to other bacteria, analyze data from the DIABIMMUNE study using Python and Jupyter Notebook to accomplish these tasks.

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Alberta Society of Gastroenterology Award
Grade: 7

Antibiotic Resistance

My project is about Antibiotics and what it can do to you if you have an excssive amount of Antibiotics.

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Grade: 10

Applications of scratch 3.0 in the development of a video game called "Cowboy dash"

The innovative, in-depth look at the creation and development of "Cowboy dash" with the use of scratch 3.0 coding programming language

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Grade: 5

A Proof of String Theory from a Proof of a Kazula Klein theory in 10 dimensions using Diffeomorphism Symmetry

I will develop a proof of string theory by proving axioms (e.g. Weyl symmetry), S duality working in Quantum mechanics and General Relativity, and other physical proofs.

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Grade: 7

Architecture of the Past Transforming the Future

In this project I will be looking into the past and researching various buildings and their styles to discover how we could use their styles today, when there are many natural disasters and other issues in our world.

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Grade: 8

Arduino Bud: The Solution to Dying Plants

This is an innovative project about an automatic watering system for plants. Combining computer science, Arduino Uno and sensors to detect moisture levels in plants and water accordingly. This project can help reduce water consumption.

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Grade: 10

Are Aesthetics a Contributing Factor on How Popular a Brand is?

My project is on brands and how their aesthetics contribute to consumers and their purchasing choices.

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Grade: 8

Are Compostable Straws Really the Best for our Environment?

We will be testing different types of straws (i.e plastic, bamboo etc) to see which kind is the best for our environment. This experiment is designed to help tackle the issue of garbage especially plastics polluting out environment.

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Grade: 8

Are Drones the Future of Agriculture?

Our project was created with the goal of creating a budget-friendly, enhanced, and time effective agricultural drone to allow individuals to have a better chance at farming around the world and bring forth a new era of farming practices.

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Grade: 9

Are the effects of different antibiotics identical on gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria?

Using agar and cotton swabs, I would grow bacteria in petri dishes. With the matured culture, different chemicals would be used to induce the different coloration of the bacilli to tell what kind it is and tested with antibiotics 3 times.

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Grade: 9

Are you really 'Ugly'?

As the world grows, so does different beauty standards. This survey is made by an affected teenage girl for all affected people that 1 person can reach

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Grade: 9

Arid Plants Mask Drought: Exploring the Effects of Varied Amounts of Natural Polymer Hydrogel in Enhancing Drought Resistance in Canola

This experiment aims to find the most effective amount of natural-polymer based hydrogel to enhance drought resistance of canola in Alberta. Testable question: Do the Different Amounts of Natural Polymer Hydrogel Enhance Drought-Resistance in Canola?

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Bhardwaj Secondary Life Science Award
Grade: 6

Artificial Intelligence

Artificial intelligence is being used a lot in the world and I wanted to see how it affects our daily lives.

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Grade: 7

Artificial Pancreas

My project is about the pancreas, and how some pancreases aren't able to provide insulin. It's about making a pump that will be able to reveal your blood glucose levels.

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Grade: 7

Artificial photosynthesis: A diamond in the rough

Research towards developing easier ways to use already existing designs for artificial photosynthesis and other CO2 recycling mechanisms in our everyday lives.

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Grade: 7

A Small Donation Can Lead to Water Purification

I will be experimenting with different cost effective water purification methods such as a lifestraw, aquatabs, solar purification, and boiling to see which one can clean a sample of water from a lake known to contain salmonella the best.

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Grade: 8

A Sole Scent Solution: Solving Foot Odor

we made special insoles to stop smelly feet during long school days and activities. We used simple things to make it accessible to everyone like foam, diapers, and common items to create a comfy solution. Our idea was to combine lavender oil, epsom salts,

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Grade: 10

A Solution to Improve the Stability and Maneuverability of GEVs(Ground Effect Vehicles)

Solving the current issues with GEVs by creating a hybrid vehicle between a GEV and a skirtless hovercraft.

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Grade: 6

A Sustainability Comparison: Electric vs Gasoline and Hybrid Vehicles

This is a research project, focused on whether electric or gasoline vehicles are more sustainable for the enviornment.

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Grade: 8

Auto Deploying EpiPen that reacts to anaphylactic symptoms

This project showcase our attempt to design an auto deploying epipen to help people facing anaphylactic reactions

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Grade: 8

Auto H2o

An Arduino microcontroller is used to monitor the soil moisture content so it can trigger a water pump when the plant is excessively dry and stop watering when it is at a good moisture level. This device allows for an automatic plant irrigation system.

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Grade: 7

Automatic Fish Feeder

Automatic Fish Feeder that feeds fish on a daily basis based on their food quantity/food serving requirements

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Grade: 8

Automatic Trumpet Tuner

My project is an automatic trumpet tuner. The tuner is attached to a trumpet's tuning slide and a motor will move the tuning slide in regard to the pitch that is played. The motor will be stopped manually or by identifying the correct pitch.

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Grade: 5


Researching how avalanches happen, can slope affect avalanche possibilities?

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CYSF Elementary Award
Grade: 9

A World of pollution/plastic

we have decided to do our project on plastic/pollution , in our project we have discussed types of plastics, how we can reduce plastic, pros and cons of plastic, ground pollution, water pollution facts, and many more

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Grade: 5

Bacteria growth

I am testing whether an apple, white sage, thyme or a strawberry is more antibacterial.

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Grade: 7

Bacteria levels in saltwater and chlorine pools

A comparison of bacteria levels in saltwater and chlorine pools.

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Grade: 7

Bacteria Pizza II

How hot does a pizza need to be to kill all the bacteria? I'm Growing bacteria to find out!

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Grade: 5

Battery Bugs - A Fun Way to Understand Electricity!

Bugs made out of batteries, wire, and a small light bulb seeing if materials a conductor or insulator.

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Grade: 6

Better Bubbly Bread

I am looking at different leavening agents and baking them into bread. I am trying to find out what leavening agent is closest to yeast related to baking bread for someone who is allergic to yeast

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Grade: 11

Beyond Sight

Our research aims to discover how different factors influence the way one perceives visual illusions. From different lighting to different age groups, the way one may describe an illustration is affected by various components.

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Grade: 8

Biogas: what affect does pH have on biogas production?

What we chose to do for our project is to figure out whether the pH of biogas affects its production. The way we conducted this experiment is by creating two anaerobic digesters, both having different pH levels, and tested to see which one held a flame

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Grade: 9

Biological Immortality

My project is a study of Biological Immortality and how some animals in the world have this trait. I will be looking at the specifics and circumstances to having this and also how humans can possible have this in the future using new technologies.

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Grade: 10

Bioremediation: Pollution Solution?

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Grade: 5

Black carbon snake

The black carbon snake is where we mix ingredients together which creates a black snake the process is known as combustion.

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Grade: 6

Black Holes, White Holes, Pulsar Stars, and The Gravity Within Them

I will be talking about black holes, white holes, pulsar stars and how the gravity works within them. I will be making three physical diagrams to explain visually. This project is research based.

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Grade: 6

Black V.S. Colour

We will be testing what colour of ink will be the best to remember words compared to black ink . This project will test memory and too what colour to use for studiying and taking notes.

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Grade: 11

Blood Flow Study Within Abdominal Aortic Aneurysms

In this project, a connection was established and studied between the geometric characteristics of abdominal aortic aneurysms (AAAs), wall shear stress, flow patterns within the abdomen, and the rupture of AAA arterial walls using CFD.

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Grade: 8

Blooming Bacteria

Testing various surfaces to see how much bacteria was on them.

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Grade: 8

Board games and Heart rate

Testing the effects that board games have on different age groups heart rate.

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Grade: 5

Borax crystals

We combined Borax and water to make Crystals

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Grade: 6

Bouncing of a Frisbee

Our project is about a frisbee that can bounce which is made out of fiberglass.

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Grade: 7

Brain computer interface: fighting paralysis

In this project, me and my partner will create a model BCI system. Our reason is too help people with motor impairments, like the neurological disease ALS. We will be contributing to the field of neuroscience and computer science.

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Grade: 5

Brain Time: Discovering When Students Learn Best Throughout the Day

In our project we tested a group of kids, teenagers and adults to figure out what time of day is best for students to learn.

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Grade: 6

Breaking the Loop: Understanding Video Game Addiction in Kids

This research project is trying to find the causes of video addiction and how YOU can avoid it!

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Bhardwaj Elementary Life Science Award
CYSF Elementary Social Sciences Runner Up Award
Grade: 5

Breezes to Bricks: A structural Engineering Challenge!

I will build three model buildings of different structural design and test which structure is most stable when exposed to high wind conditions.

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Grade: 5


we are going to make a bunch of bridges

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Grade: 9

Brilliant Braces

Testing which materials are best for physical activity in AFO's

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Grade: 10

Bubble Bee: Exploring the Effects of Bubble Pollination

This project tests the reliability of bubble pollination and its ability to replace other forms of artificial pollination.

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Grade: 6

Bubble trouble

Me and my partner are trying to make a safe piece bubblegum for people that can’t digest bubblegum.We will melt some materials, then we will try to gather all the materials, then make it a solid

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Grade: 9

Budding Solution: The Nanobubble Effect

My project tests how varying concentrations of Nanobubbles in water effect plant growth.

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Grade: 9

Butinage en péril: Conséquences du déclin des abeilles sur la reproduction des fleurs.

Je vais entreprendre une recherche pour déterminer comment la diminution des populations d'abeilles affecte la reproduction des plantes.

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Grade: 7

Can algae mitigate climate change?

I am going to use algea to absorbe CO2 and find out the growth rates.

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Grade: 8

Can Benzodiazepine Withdrawal be Alleviated via Blocking Pannexin-1 Channels?

Depressant withdrawal treatment often requires dosage of another drug, often increasing tolerance. I will compare underlying mechanics of depressants and opioids to find if depressants can benefit from a new opioid withdrawal therapy.

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CYSF Director's Award
Grade: 9

Can Biodegradable Hydrogels Help Conserve Water In Farming?

My project introduces biodegradable hydrogels that address water scarcity issues in all industries, efficiently retain soil moisture, decrease agriculture's water usage, while also promoting environmental sustainability.

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Shad Award for Social Innovators
Webber Academy Intermediate STEM Award
Grade: 6

Can colour affect emotion?

I will show people some colours and ask them what emotions they feel when they see this colour and then I will see what is the most popular emotion per colour.

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Grade: 6

Can fidgets help you focus

We will get our subjects and put them all in a same room and give them some math questions and a fidget for the first try then give them similar math questions but this time without a fidget.

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Grade: 10

Can Gain of Function Research Help Us Create More Effective Vaccines?

This project explores the possibilities for both new and more effective vaccines through looking at currently existing ones, vaccines in development, and the possibility of using gain of function research to do so.

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Grade: 9

Can Hepatitis B Cause Cancers that are Non-Hepatocellular Cancers?

This project aims to answer how Hepatitis B affects your body in a way that can give you cancers that are not in your liver. We hope to answer why Hepatitis B is a very deadly disease and the things it does to your body.

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Grade: 8

Can Math be turned into music?

I will analyze the relationship between music and math using numbers such as pi and e.

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Grade: 8

Can our society handle the EV revolution?

We reasearch the EV's impact on the environment and the society

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Grade: 6

Can the flavour of ice cream change how it melts?

Testing to see if different flavours of ice cream melt faster.

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Grade: 6

Can windmills be the future to home electricity?

In this project I research if smaller sized windmill be the future power source of a home.

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Grade: 9

Can You Fake It? A study on the neuro-bio-psycho-social causes and effects for the prevention and identifications of suicide in adolescents.

The "Can You Fake It" research study employs an interdisciplinary framework from neuroscience, biology, psychology, and sociology to comprehensively understand the multifaceted nature of adolescent suicide risk and introduce possible prevention tools.

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Shad Award for Social Innovators
Grade: 7

Can you generate electricity using high speed winds from cars passing by on the highway?

This project is if you can make renewable energy from winds from cars.

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Grade: 6

Can you Survive? Which Planet is the Most Habitable?

Earth might become unsustainable in the future, so we are trying to find a planet to immigrate to when that happens.

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Grade: 8

Capturing & Converting Wasted Heat into Energy

I aim to create a prototype that captures wasted heat from devices and converts it into electricity to charge electronic devices.

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Amer Soc Heating, Refrig, Air Cond Award
Grade: 7

Carbon Capture Utilization and Storage

Carbon emissions are becoming a larger threat in our society. For my project I will be looking into how I can further develop and improve the process of carbon capture technologies for future generations.

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UCalgary Dept. of Geoscience Secondary Award
Grade: 9

Cardboard robotic hand : Prereeta And Subhreet

In this project we make a cardboard robot hand and we compare it to the human hand and see how or how not robots can be affective in the upcoming future.

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Grade: 6

Catalyst Matching

Testing Elephant toothpaste reactions with 3 different catalysts

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Grade: 11

Changes in Complement Protein Expression and Its Role in Microglia-Mediated Synaptic Pruning Following RmTBIs in Adolescent Mice

This project will observe the effect of concussions on the expression of complement proteins in the brain. Complement proteins regulate synapse destruction and changes in their expressions are expected to negatively affect adolescent brain development.

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CYSF Travel Award
Faculty Women's Club Award, University of Calgary
Grade: 6

Change that stain

We are testing homemade natural cleaners versus store brought cleaners for both carpets and glass.

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Grade: 6

Charging a smartphone using lemons

I will design, conduct, and charge an iPhone 5 with only lemons.

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Grade: 8

Checking the Boxes

Using python to code a sudoku validating program.

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Grade: 6

Citric Wind

what works better as a battery a potato or lemon.

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Grade: 5

Citrus Amps and Spud Sparks

Using potatoes & lemons to power LED

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Grade: 8

Clean Water for All: Designing Sustainable, Low-Cost Water Filters using Common Household Waste

An accessible water filtration system was created out of common waste items (plastics, fabrics, etc.) and its effectiveness and efficiency tested against common global water pollutants, such as fertilizers.

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Grade: 7

Climate Change: Effects on the Globe

In this project, I talk about the affects of climate change in our ecosystems, daily lives, and our globe temperatures, as well as how we can reduce these climate changes.

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Grade: 5

Climate Change: Water and ice

Learning about Climate Change in relations to ice and water to see a) how are they effected and b) how can they be stopped/slowed

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Grade: 8

Climbing Walls With Gecko-Inspired Adhesives

My project is threefold: I will be researching gecko-inspired materials and their properties, making gecko-inspired adhesives with consumer level products, and I will be testing these gecko-inspired adhesives for potential applications in everyday life.

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Grade: 7

Cloud Seeding: A Holy Grail For A Colossal Problem?

Researching the effects of Smog on humans and the environment and how Cloud Seeding can help comabt its affects. Providing an insight into the methodology, benefits, procedures and limitations.

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Grade: 7

Coagulation Factor & Hemophilia

This research is on coagulation factor and hemophilia, the research explores what, why, where, when and how coagulation works, hemophilia, its impact on the daily life, its symptoms and treatment, and goes in depth in a specific treatment; Gene therapy.

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Grade: 6


The effects of natural foods on the common cold

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Grade: 9

Colonization of the Asteroids Belt 2.0

In order to save planet Earth from distruction caused by Mineral mining .Our colony on Mars will send YR-Droner to the asteroids belt to start to mine the asteroids to analyze them with the the help of YZ-Ranger.

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Grade: 6

coloured flames

Flame test of different chemicals.

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Grade: 9

Colourful Dreams

how does different color of light affect human sleep. Does light even have anyy effect. what colors are the best to sleep with. all is answered

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Grade: 6

Colours & Its Mysteries

How our eyes and different species/animals see colour, colour theory, colour hues, shades, etc.

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Alberta Assoc of Optometrists Award
Grade: 7

Comfortable Armour

An armored suit made to be more comfortable than normal one's.

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Grade: 8

Comparing Natural and Mainstream Medicines’ Composition on a Molecular Level and Their Effectiveness

Having a cold? Have you ever considered if natural or mainstream medicines work better for your cold? This project will be exploring this idea of comparing natural and conventional medicines.

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Grade: 8

Could failed experimental designs from history have worked if not ignored?

We will research on previous historic concepts that never materialized but had great potential. Then, we will see if the ideas could work in the modern world.

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Grade: 8

Could Mars Sustain Life in the Future

In my project I talked about the possibilities of life on the planet Mars. I researched some background information on this, such as what life needs to survive, the past and future of the planet and much more.

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Grade: 9

Creating an efficient ecologically friendly filter to remove microplastics from seawater.

This filter aims to remove microplastics from seawater to reduce the impact of these harmful plastics on our world. The filter is a prototype which demonstrates how it would work on a larger scale in the ocean.

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Shad Award for Social Innovators
Rotary Clubs of Calgary Environment Award
Grade: 9

Creativity: A History of Innovation

Last year, I made a project called "The Science Behind Creativity". I hope to use my previous knowledge, and gain new info to expand my knowledge on the subject. This year, look deeper into the first signs of creativity, and how it benefits us today.

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Grade: 7

Crisper Gene Editing Of Escherichia Coli To Enhance Biofuel Production

Using Crispr to modify E coli by introducing genes from Zymomonas mobiles to improve ethanol yield to enhance biofuel production

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Grade: 5


We are showing what CRISPR-Cas9 is

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Grade: 6

Cube Solver

I will be seeing what algorithum on the Rubik's Cube is the best in terms of efficiency to solve (least number of moves).

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Grade: 6

Dead zones-The plague of the ocean

What they were, how they occured, why it's important to save our ocean, and mainly how they affected us

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Grade: 11

Deciphering Everyday Hidden Hearing Loss Using Statistical and Machine Learning Models

This project aims to characterize everyday hidden hearing loss through the use of statistical and machine learning tools. Specifically, this project uses convolution neural networks (CNN), recursive neural networks (RNN) and Explainable AI (XAI) methods.

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The Plum Foundation Travel Award
CYSF Top Senior Award
Grade: 7

Deep Dive

We will be going to 4 different pools and comparing and contrasting pH, alkalinity, free chlorine, total chlorine, total bromine, calcium hardness and cyanuric acid levels in 2 different pools.

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Grade: 6


Deforestation is the purposeful clearing of forested land for worldwide usage.

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Grade: 6

Defrosting with Alcohols

Can we de-ice a windshield with sanitizer? We tested isopropanol and ethanol at different concentrations to see which was most effective for de-icing at -40C.

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Grade: 5

Desalinating our Oceans

We are investigating different ways to make and test desalinators.

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Grade: 11

Design and Construction of CRISPR/Cas9-Mediated Knockout Plasmids for Autism-Risk Genes

My work involves using biotechnologies to contruct plasmids capable of conducting CRISPR/Cas9 to knockout autism-risk genes. The plasmids will be constructed using PCR machines and the project also involves bacteria transformation in various steps.

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Grade: 11

Designing a Mental Wellness App for High School Students

Integrating meditation, time-management, and self-reflection techniques into an app to reduce mental stress and burnout risk in high school students.

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Webber Academy Senior STEM Award
Grade: 10

Designing Auctions for the Allocation of Carbon Allowances


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Grade: 10

Design of Chimeric Antigen Receptor (CAR) towards EGFRVlll as a GBM therapeutic target

My project explores EGFRvIII as a promising biomarker and therapeutic target for glioblastoma. By employing a combination of literature review and molecular docking experiments, I strive to unlock the potential of CAR-T cell therapy.

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Grade: 7

Detecting Exoplanets Using AI

This project demonstrates how AI could be applied in the detection of exoplanets using transit photometry data

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Grade: 11

Determining the Effectiveness of Lytic Activity in Phages Isolated from Municipal Wastewater against Multidrug-Resistant E. coli ST131

To determine the effectiveness of lytic activity in phages (186B, 261P, and 630P) isolated from municipal wastewater against clinical isolates of Multidrug-Resistant E. coli ST131 and also non-pathogenic E. coli of the Ecor collection.

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CWSF Alternate Award
UCalgary Graduate Science Education Biochemistry and Experimental Biology Award
Grade: 9

Developing An Artificial Pancreas Using Arduino Technology

I'm creating a simplified model of an artificial pancreas using an Arduino microcontroller and electronic circuitry. My goal is to mimic the pancreas's function in regulating blood glucose by automating insulin delivery in response to blood glucose level.

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Grade: 10

Development of mRNA cancer vaccines to cure Pancreatic Ductal Adenocarcinoma

In this project, I will be researching pancreatic cancer, specifically pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma in detail and studying newly conducted trials to examine and research the role that mRNA cancer vaccines play in fighting pancreatic cancer.

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Grade: 5

Diabetes: The disease you might not know you have

Our project is about diabetes and understanding what causes it and how to treat it

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Grade: 5

Dirty Door Handles

We are going swab door handles to see how dirty door handles are and were only doing the generic door handles that are in every house

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CYSF Director's Award
Grade: 8

Diving into DCS (A visualization)

To understand and visualize DCS.

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Grade: 8

DIY Portable Battery-Powered Hand Warmer

A DIY hand warmer that is powered by 4 AA batteries and an ARDUINO Nano. The temperature can be controlled at any temperature from 25 to 40 degrees Celsius.

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Grade: 8

DIY Radon Detector to Detect Radon Gasses in a Household Environment

Creating a DIY radon detector to detect radon at ground/underground levels.

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Grade: 7

DNA: The tale of the double helix

learn about DNA and things related to it

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Grade: 6

Do different eye colours see differently?

In this project we are investigating if different eye colour have different colour vision and light vision.

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Grade: 6

Does age impact hair growth rate and if so, why?

In my experiment I test some people on how fast their hair grows in different ages to try to answer my question.

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Grade: 8

Does Chewing Gum affect Memory and Concentration?

Comparing two different groups on various tasks and compare results between chewing gum and non chewing gum group.

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Grade: 6

Does color affect taste?

We have tested people to guess a skittle flavor and many people have guessed incorrectly but some correctly.

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Grade: 5

Does color change taste

I put different colors of food coloring in water and got people to see if it tasted different

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Grade: 7

Does different amount of water help the growth of plants?

i am trying to see if different amounts of water help plants growth to help people give the right amount of water

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Grade: 8

Does dog social support improve mood and mental wellbeing?

Participants will be recruited using posters on social media and word of mouth and will complete informed consent. All participants will be asked to rate their mood using a visual likert scale from 1-6 using emoji representations for their mood before and

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Grade: 6

Does garlic turn a different color when it goes in vinegar? Why?

experiment and research

View Project
Grade: 6

Does looking at a scary picture make your heart rate go up ?

I think that now this question will be solved An when we have a answer people with heart rate problems Will second guess to look at scary pictures

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Grade: 7

Does the 5 second rule actually work?

My project(Does the 5-Second Rule Work) investigates whether the popular belief that food dropped on the floor is safe to eat if picked up within five seconds is true or not.

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Grade: 6

Does the day of equinox change

Im doing a research project to see if the equinox changes year to year

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Grade: 5

Does The Favourite Slurpee Flavour Have The Dirtiest Handle?!

I will swab the handles at 7-11 to collect germs to grow bacteria. I will survey people and see if the most liked flavour had the most bacteria.

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Grade: 5

Does the length of a pendulums string affect its swing time?

I will do this experiment by first making two pendulums.Ones string would be longer and the other will be short.Then I will use a timer to note how much time each of the pendulums will take to do one oscillation.

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Grade: 6

Does the shape of the blades affect a wind turbines performance

We tested the speed of the different types of blades. We had a rectangular, triangular and squared. We had a stop watch and stopped it when the flat washer reached the top.

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Grade: 6

Does the the look of food affect your bias of taste towards it

We are wondering if the way food looks affects how it tastes. We are going to bake cookies in two batches. they will have the same recipe except one batch has green food dye in it, then we will hand them out and record which one was the favorite

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Grade: 8

Does the type of sound surrounding the plant affect plant growth?

For this experiment, I played two genres of music to two different plants, and kept another plant in an area with general everyday noise, and had a control plant for 18 days, to test how different types of sound affect plant growth.

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Grade: 7

Does turning off colour on your phone reduce your screen time?

We are trying to to discover if turning off colour on your phone will reduce your screen time

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Grade: 5

Does wind speed affect the amount of power produced by wind turbines

it is a wind turbine that gets blown on by a fan

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Grade: 7

Does Your Zodiac Sign Affect the Decisions you Make?

We'll be surveying 3 people of each zodiac sign & see how they're supposed to react to different situations. We will tailor the answers for each situation to how the Internet says they would normally react, and we will also have other answers.

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Grade: 9

Do mosquitoes prefer different blood types

Trying to discover which blood type does mosquitoes prefer.

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Grade: 6

Do solar cookers work in the cold?

In my project I tested if a solar cooker, a cooking tool that only uses the sun to cook works in the cold/the winter.

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Grade: 5

Down Memory Lane

To know how age affects memory of human beings, a test will be given to different age groups. The results will be analyzed to see what age group has the best memory.

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Grade: 6

Do you taste with your eyes?

This experement will involve differant blindfolded people tasting the same food, while changing it's appearance. I will be able to determine if the appearance of the food will effect its taste.

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Grade: 6

Drink Up!

a comparison of what different liquids do to a plant.

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Grade: 7

Drones In The Future Of Healthcare

My project presents how drones can save lives when there is a critical medical emergency by arriving in a short span of time, carry small medical equipments and can be used by a common man to help a person in serious condition

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Grade: 5

Drop It and Swab It - The Truth Behind the Five Second Rule

We are discovering the truth behind the five second rule by swabbing food that has dropped on the floor and growing it in a petri dish.

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Grade: 8

Drowning in Debt: A Study on Financial Struggles of University Students in Calgary

An investigation working to shed light on the issue of inflation and price stack-ups on University Students and how this will impact their futures and society as a whole. The idea is to spot what flaws seem to affect them the most, and solve it

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CYSF Director's Award
Grade: 9

Drugs and Genetics: The Genetic and Non Genetic Relation with Various Responses to Medications

My project about the relation of medication with genetics and why some people react to similar medication differently than other people.

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Grade: 5

earthquake alarm/dector

We're making an earthquake alarm that detects motion.

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Grade: 5


Education on the subject of earthquakes,what they are, how they happen and how they are recorded.

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Buckley Family Award For Earth Sciences (Secondary)
Grade: 11

EcoIntelligence: AI-Powered Algae Predictive Models in Lake Monitoring

We will use AI Models to predict the amount of Chlorophyll A in lakes using datasets found from research.

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Grade: 7

Ecosystems - Striving For Survival

In our project, we will be comparing the effects of humans vs global warming on ecosytems, which will be showcased in our experiment.

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Grade: 5


We are testing Environmental DNA to see what species live in different parts of a creek and which species live in the different parts of the creek. We are also researching about E-DNA compared to the traditional methods and advantages, disadvantages.

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Alberta Wilderness Association Award
CYSF Elementary Life Science Award Runner Up
Grade: 5

Effects of Music on Students

This project is to understand how listening to music can positively impact a students focus, cognitive skills and also to make them feel there best

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Grade: 6


This research based project explains the impacts of social media on preadolescents mental health. It aims to provide awareness about how preadolescents should manage and balance social media to avoid mental health issues effectively and timely.

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Grade: 6

Efficient Electricity

The project is on how to make electricity more efficient

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Grade: 6

Electricity Storage (Batteries)

Research power storage devices and methods and review operation and efficiency

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Grade: 6

Electromagnetic Hand Cranked Generator

In this project we plan to demonstrate that it is possible to create electricity from a hand cranked generator that spins magnets in a coil of copper wire.

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Grade: 9

Electromagnetism and Generators Project

This project will thoroughly explain how generators function and explore the fascinating secrets behind electromagnetism in detail.

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Grade: 8

Emotional Servings

How does the way of serving food affect the taste?

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Grade: 8

Endometriosis Treatment: Robotized?

In my project, I conduct a systematic literature review comparing standard laparoscopic surgery to robot-assisted laparoscopic surgery (also known as robotic surgery) for the treatment of endometriosis.

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CYSF Director's Award
Grade: 7

Epilepsy and Advanced Research Techniques

My research is on Epilepsy and its advanced research techniques, Epilepsy is a very devastating disease which has no cure, but there are new treatments to lower the Risk of having a seizure. I this research I also look into the mechanisms of epilepsy.

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ACPA Rick Dillen Memorial Award in Chemistry
Grade: 6

Erosion in Motion

I am testing if grass, wood chips, rocks, or only soil prevents soil erosion the most. I will be doing four trials and four different things to go in my soil.

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Pathways Alliance Award for Innovation and Sustainability
UCalgary Dept. of Geoscience Elem. Runner Up Award
Grade: 5

Evelyn's Eggcellent Eggsperiment.

Have you ever wondered what would happen to your teeth if you didn't brush? Well I wanted to find out. I did a little experiment. I put 7 eggs in 7 different liquids and waited for a week. After a week I took them out and observed the strength and color.

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Grade: 5

Evolution of Whales

Show the history odd as it may seem, a four-footed land mammal named Pakicetus, living some 50 million years ago in what we know as Pakistan today, bears the title of “first whale.” Straddling the two worlds of land and sea, the wolf-sized animal

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Grade: 6

Eww, gross!

which commanly used item/suface in the class (or school) is the dirtiest

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Grade: 5

Expire food kills the mood! Can we consume food after its expiration date? Does food expire at the same rate in the fridge as it does in roo

Hypothesis- I think that food expires at a faster rate when it's outside in room temperature than it does in the fridge because the cold temperature that fridge maintain will prevent the fungal growth. We can reduce food waste.

View Project
Grade: 8

Face Doctor - An App to Measure Our Wellbeing

Our faces are early indicators for our health. Using machine learning, we can construct a facial detection application that can effectively read our physical health, providing us with an insight on our wellbeing.

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Grade: 8

family dynamic vs change

I’m going to ask a list of questions to people from different family dynamics to see if it changes people’s opinions on change

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Grade: 7

Fast Fashion Fertilizer

In our project, we will research what really happens to your donated clothes and conduct two experiments. One is burning various clothing items to find out if incineration is an effective method of disposing waste. We will then use the ash to grow plants.

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Grade: 12

Fatal Attraction : In-Vitro Adhesion of Monocytes to Cardiac Fibroblasts During Inflammation

Quantification of transmigration and adhesion of monocytes to primary cardiofibroblasts in the presence of different cytokines and and an experimental drug.

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Grade: 6


Our hypothesis was that we could turn ferrofluid into a solid using magnets. After conducting 3 experiments we came to the conclusion that ferrofluid can be turned into a solid by using magnets.

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Grade: 5

FFFI : Friends Family Fingerprint Investigation

We are going to find fraternal and identical twins along with siblings and get their fingerprints to see if they are smillar

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Grade: 6

Finding Better Materials To Protect Future Generations From the Effects of Radioactivity

In this project we will be testing the ability of certain materials to block radiation.

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Grade: 5

Flaming PJ Madness

My project will determine how safe fire resistant pyjamas are after changing the amount of washes. After changing the amount of washes, we will set the pyjamas on fire and measure the time it takes to burn and the approximate area of scorch.

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CYSF Elementary Consumer Science Award
Grade: 9

Flower Hybridization

I will research behind the science of cross-pollination and hybridization of flowers

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Grade: 7

Focus Factors: Investigating Student Concentration

How various activities and distractions can affect elementary student's focus.

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Grade: 5

food eletricity

our project is about if other food items ( other than potatoes ) can generate electricity

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Grade: 7

Food Shortages

We want to find out why so many people of the world are starving. Many parts of the world are impacted by world hunger.

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Grade: 8

Fresh Without Fragrance: New Approaches to Neutralizing Airborne Odors

This project explores ways to create smell free odor removing products.

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Grade: 11

From Pixels to Diagnosis: Neural Network-based Malaria Detection

Creating a neural network to speed the diagnosis of malaria.

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CYSF Travel Award
University of Calgary Faculty of Science Discovery Award
Grade: 8

From Pixels to Presence: QR Codes for Student Check-Ins

We are going to create a program to take attendance using id cards that the hypothetical students would have. These id cards have a QR codes on them which the program will scan and mark them as present.

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Grade: 8

Frozen Metabolism

This study looks at how temperature affects cold-blooded animals' bodies since they can't regulate their temperature internally like warm-blooded animals. By changing their environment, we can see how their bodies react and how they survive in different c

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Grade: 5

Fun Energy

Kids will jump on a bag to power a windmill to generate renewable energy.

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Grade: 5


I grew Lion's Mane mushrooms under different conditions and researched interesting topic related to fungi.

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Grade: 6

Future of 3D printing houses

We are seeing if 3D printing is cheaper and/or more efficient, plus how we can make them better.

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Grade: 9

Garbage Bricks

Adding waste materials to concrete to make it stronger.

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Grant MacEwan Nature Protection Award (Secondary)
Grade: 11

Genetic Differences Between Endangered and Non-Endangered Pine Species and How They Affect Plant Responses to Climate Change

This study will explore how genetic differences between endangered and non-endangered plants influence their reaction to climate change and how this impacts biodiversity loss.

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City of Calgary BiodiverCity Award - Senior or Intermediate
McClelland Biochemistry Award
Grade: 7

Genetic engineering:How can or has it changed science

Genetic engineering has helped science a lot.Let's dive deeper into it

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Grade: 8

Genetic Modification on Cyanobacteria to Increase Carbon Capture

My project is will be genetic modification on Cyanobacteria in order to increase carbon capture. I will be designing my own plasmid that will allow the Cyanobacteria to be able to intake more carbon dioxide.

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Grade: 9

Genetic Variation - the Impact of Change

Gene - a word or a concept that most of us think we don't relate to. You may think it's an abtract concept that only genetic scientists understand. But you would be surprised about the impact genetic variation has on our lives.

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Grade: 6

Get a Grip: Helping Seniors Not to Slip

We investigated how footwear and anti-slip materials affect slipping on ice, recommending how to prevent such slipping with a focus on protecting seniors

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Grade: 5

Get Rolling

This project is about balls . Our question is that : would one ball cover the same distance if applied equal effort on different surfaces

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Grade: 6

Gliden' down

Does the temperature of a hockey puck affect how far it will glide?

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Grade: 5

Go Green!

This project describes how global warming affects us and what we can do to stop it.

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Grade: 9

Going Green by Going Nuclear: Why We Should Step in the Direction of Liquid Flouride Thorium Reactors

A research project on what are, why should, and how could we could apply the use thorium molten salt reactors (LFTRs) as a efficient energy source.

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ENMAX Energizing Innovation Award Secondary
Grade: 8

GPA analysis

We want to know if sitting in the front of the classroom increases or decreases your GPA.

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Grade: 5

Grade 5's Around The World

I will send out a survey to multiple places around the globe to collect data. I mainly am interested in the sleep habits, screen time habits and physical activity of grade 5 students around the world.

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University of Calgary Faculty of Arts Award
Grade: 7

Gravity: Down to Earth

A measurement of the acceleration of gravity due to the Earth

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Grade: 8

Green thumbs

Is artificial or natural sunlight better for the growth of plants?

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Grade: 8

Grifola frondosa’s impact on the health of cancer patients

In my project I explain how mushroom are being introduced into cancer research, for treatments alongside chemotherapy, and over all health of cancer patients.

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Grade: 8

Growing Crystals

What substance grows crystals best?

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Grade: 9

Hair Damage: It Is Not Your Fault

Experimenting how the level of pH within shampoos and conditioners contribute to hair damage.

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Grade: 10

Have I Seen You Before? AI Meets AI

Evaluating the accuracy of artificial intelligence detectors and assessing the impact of artificial intelligence on academic integrity.

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Grade: 5

Heart rate responses to different intensities of exercise across age groups using wearable devices

This project will examine the cardiovascular response (heart rate response) to different intensities of cycling exercise in different age groups.

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Grade: 9

Homemade Adventure Of Electrodynamic Thrusters

In my experiment, I will test different parameters like collector type and the distance between two electrodes to see which configuration will produce the most thrust.

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Grade: 7

Homemade Sand and Gravel based water filtration systems

In this project I will be experimenting with different ways to create homemade water filters and testing all of them to see which one performs the best.

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Grade: 8

Homemade vs Store Bought the Great Moisture Showdown

I compared my homemade moisturizer with two store bought brands

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Grade: 5

Hornworm Help

We are studying hornworms to see what factors help a hornworm make it through their life cycle.

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Grade: 5

Hot and cold water

We crush and expand a can with different temperatures of water.

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Grade: 5

How avalanche strategies have changed over time

A research comparison of avalanches through history to present day and how risk management strategies have changed

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Grade: 6

How Can AI and ML Help With Detecting Child Leukemia?

Leukemia in children is found in the white blood cells. In the bone marrow, the spongy part of the inside bone, the white blood cells start growing abnormally.

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Grade: 9

How can AI help shorten wait times and eliminate prejudice in the healthcare system?

During this project I will be exploring the various ways AI can help better our healthcare system!

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Shad Award for Social Innovators
Grade: 6

How can Formula 1 cars become carbon neutral?

F1 announced that they would change the cars to being carbon neutral, so I decided to discover more about the topic.

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Grade: 5

How can parents better understand how video games affect kids

If parent knows what happens when kids play too many video games they will know how to controll.

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Grade: 7

How can technology help in a humanitarian crisis

We have made an innovation project on how technology can help in a humanitarian crisis while making a display that can sense your heart pulse.

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Grade: 6

How can we generate electrical power out of sound and pressure

This experimental project is about how I will find a way to create energy into elecrtical power. I will be using 2 methods and both will be observed and analyzed. Once both methods are analyzed I will find which one is better/safer for our daily lives.

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ENMAX Energizing Innovation Award Elementary
CYSF Elementary Physical Science Award Runner Up
Grade: 6

how can we increase the melting point of ice

To see if we can make better insulators for fridges and freezers

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Grade: 8

How can we make computers more efficient?

For our project we will be trying to make computers more efficient. We will experiment with thermoelectric genorators to extract the heat from our computers and convert in back into electricity.

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Grade: 5

How can we make the Glenmore Reservoir swimmable?

In this study I want to understand why we can’t currently swim or paddle board in the Glenmore reservoir. The intent of this search is to find out if it could be possible and what will be the pros and cons associated with that initiative.

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Grade: 7

How can we use technology to predict and help treat Myocardial Ischemia disease?

In this project, I will test different type of technology on how they predict and analyze Myocardial Ischemia disease, then I will use the information gathered to make statements and predictions on how it can help with future treatment.

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Grade: 7

How Chemical Reactions In Our Brains Affect Us Everyday!

My project will be about various chemical reactions and the chemicals that are released in the brain and how they function and help us in our day to day lives.

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Grade: 6

How computers do arithmetic operations using logic gates- Maite Zuniga

This project will show how computers do arithmetic operations using logic gates.

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Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences Elementary Award
Grade: 6

How did water get on earth?

What are the different possibilities of how water got on earth?

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UCalgary Dept. of Geoscience Elem. Award
Grade: 7

how different environment affect plant growth

Our project is about how various enviorments can affect plant growth, with all research we wanted to determine what condition s are best for plants to grow in. In our experiment we used roses to reflect all land plants, by how they can work with most area

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Grade: 6

How do Astronauts maintain their health in space

Astronauts Diet, Sleep, Physical Activity and more

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Grade: 7

How do box jellyfish function without a brain or a heart?

we are researching how jellyfish do things without a Heart or a Brain?

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Grade: 6

How do brown Christmases affect the chance of drought next year

Comparing historical data on brown christmases and drought years to determine whether there is a relationship. This would allow provinces to plan for droughts.

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City of Calgary, Water Services Award for Elementary
President's Award for Elementary
Grade: 9

How do different liquids affect plant growth.

How do different fluids affect plant growth.

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Grade: 5

How does A.I work and can it manipulate us

Can A.I trick a human into thinking that it is a human and can it already at this level possibly manipulate the humans how does it work

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Grade: 8

How does an Electrical Propulsion System operate and can it be achieved?

We will research the environmental impact of electrical propulsion systems and their performance in comparison to chemical propulsion systems. Our main point is to find out how these systems run and what makes them different from others. We also want to

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Grade: 7

How Does A Persons age affect their reaction time

In this project we are testing a 2,10,11,13,35, and 43 year old to see which age group has the fastest reaction, we did 5 experiments on each person each person 3 times each.ents on each person eentsents on each

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Grade: 6

How does baking soda and vinegar affect the flame of a candle?

We demonstrate how baking soda and vinegar can blow out a candle and how Carbon Dioxide can extinguish the candle's flame.

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Grade: 6

How does being a powerline technician affect the human body?

We are researching How does being a powerline technician affect the human body? That's our main question though we are also studying questions like what is a powerline technician? what is electricity? etc.

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ENMAX Communication Award - Elementary
Grade: 6

How Does Caffeine Affect A Child's Memory?

Can Caffeine make your memories easier forgotten or easier remembered? Our project will demonstrate this, as we think that this would be useful for us to know, because if you have bad memory, you will know what to and what not to do.

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Grade: 6

How does Celiac Disease Effect the Small Intestine?

In this project, we talk about gluten and the affects to specific body parts such as the small intestine, especially when you have a gluten disorder such as celiac diease.

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Grade: 6

How does exercise affect heart rate?

In my experiment I will have three exercises with different intensities. I will measure my heart rate and assess differences.

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Grade: 5

How does light colour effect plant growth?

Testing how plants grow under different coloured light bulbs.

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Grade: 9

How Does Music Affect Our Grades?

This lab experiment will determine the affect that listening to music while studying has on students grades. Different types of music will be used in the lab, including music that contains lyrics, no lyrics, and other relevent sub-categories.

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Grade: 6

How does music affect the brain?

In this project, we talk about how different types of music affect the brain in different ways.

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Grade: 8

How Does Nicotine Addiction Affect Your Physical and Mental health?

Our project is how nicotine affects the brain and the body, mentally and physically.

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Grade: 8

How Does Nicotine Affect The Developing Body Of Teenagers

In this project, we researched the drivers and consequences of using nicotine in cigarettes or smoking devices among Canadian teenagers

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Grade: 6

How does screen time affect Kids

We studied how screen time affects kids

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Grade: 6

How Does Sleep Affect Memory?

Conducting tests with memory cards to explore how sleep affects memory.

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Grade: 7

How does sugar affect diabetes?

In my project I will be testing how a mango, milk chocolate and coke would increase the blood glucose levels. Then I will make a diabetes simulator to see how the same foods would affect someone if they had diabetes.

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Grade: 7

How does the constant use of electronics affect our daily lives?

im researching about how the constant use of electronics affect our daily lives.

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Grade: 8

How Does The Grip Strength of Robotic Prosthetics Hold up to Appendicular Human Limbs?

This project/experiment was conducted with the idea and goal of comparing a robotic prosthetic or hand to a human hand. This is to see the gap in performance and to analyze how we can close that gap in order to further progress study on prostheses.

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Grade: 8

How does the king of the circulatory system do its job - The Heart

My project is on how the human heart pumps blood as the primary organ of the circulatory system.I talked about blood flow through the heart, structure, blood supply, malfunctioning, and (VAD) that helps heart pump.I also made a working model of the heart.

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Grade: 6

How Does the Thickness of a Black Line Impacts A Line Following Robot’s Response?

In my experiment I made a line following robot and tested it on 5 different thickness of a black line. The different thickness included 1.0", 1.5", 2.0", 2.5", and 3.0" wide track.

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CYSF Elementary Engineering Award
Grade: 9

How does vape affect mental health?

research on how vape affects mental health (especially teenagers)

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Grade: 5

how does velocity affect basketball

we will be testing to see how to get the best shot

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Grade: 5

How do fish survive lightning bolts?

We will be studing how fish survive when the ocean is struck by lightning.

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Grade: 6

How do geckos walk upside-down?

Research on geckos and lizards, the ways humans can walk upside down, and Van Der Waals forces.

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Grade: 6

How do Greenhouse gasses effect people around the world

How do Greenhouse gasses affect people in different region's across the globe?

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Grade: 7

How do other liquids impact plant growth and development

We will be testing four different liquids in order to test which one is most efficient for growing the same plant.

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Grade: 5

How Do Traffic Lights Work?

This project will demonstrate how traffic lights are timed perfectly using coding.

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Grade: 6

How Electric Vehicles Could Slow Global Warming

Research on how electric vehicles could slow climate change.

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Grade: 6

How Good are Professors at Telling ChatGPT-Generated Essays from the Ones Produced by University Students?

This survey-based study explored the ability of professors to differentiate ChatGPT-generated text from student written essays.

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Fraser Head Elementary Award
Grade: 5

How Greenhouse Gases are affecting the earth and what we can do.

in my research based project, I will be showing most things about greenhouse gases, how we can stop them, and making a spin by adding in my own theory.

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Grade: 9

How has Covid-19 affected education?

For this project I will be going around to multiple different schools across Calgary and asking, observing, questioning and surveying multiple students from a variety of perspectives, to see how has COVID- 19 affected them and their education stand.

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Grade: 6

How Humans And Animals See The World

This project is about how humans and animals see the world differently, and about how light and colour works (explaining the 2 color theories.) This project is also a Theoretical project with research on how looking at colors beyond the human eye.

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Grade: 7

How Long Before AI is Considered Human

i make a AI and train it of data human data and then look at how rat brain cells learned how too play pong

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Grade: 9

How might humans look in 10,000 years based on past evolution and environmental change?

Research on what the world might look like in 10,000 years, and so what humans might also look like from those changes. This project is similar to "speculative evolution" and seeks to find a possible future based on facts and evidence.

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Grade: 7

How Much Bacteria is Around us

we well be going around the school and testing things with a cotton swab and seeing how the bacteria grows and what can be safer for humans

View Project
Grade: 6

How Orbeez Work

We are trying to shrink down water beads (Orbeez) by applying different substances to see which one will shrink them the most.

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Grade: 6

How People Retain Information

we will see how well people retain information by reading, writing. we will test them on memory of facts in reading, writing and both at the same time

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Grade: 8

How social media effects us in different ways

we will be researching and findng out how social media effects you in good or bad ways.

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Grade: 8

How social media might influence the attention span of teenagers

Because of social media, so many people have access to numerous amounts of information. I want to find out how it affects the nervous system of people especially teens

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Grade: 7

How To Extract DNA From Chicken liver and strawberries

I will show the judges how I extract DNA from animal tissue and from a strawberries and then I will be comparing the two.

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Grade: 9

How you can use programming to crack old historical ciphers

I will be making a program that will be able to crack old codes and comparing them to how they would have cracked them back then.

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Lalani Mathematics Award
Grade: 9

Human Body and Essential Oils

Do body oils help with cramps in the human body

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Grade: 7

Human Genome Project Pt. 2

Diving into the ethics behind the world of gene editing.

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CYSF Director's Award
Grade: 9

Human Memory: How Intents, Consequences and Conditions Affect Recollection

A study of how intent can affect the recollection of an individual using statements.

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Grade: 7

Human Vs. AI. Can humans tell the difference between human and AI images?

For our experiment, we tested if people could recognize pictures made by A.I. In this project, we will ask AI to create visuals that are matched by an identical real image. Several age groups will be asked if they are able to recognize the difference.

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Grade: 7

Hydraulic Race Track

Our hydraulic project is a three level race track with syringes attached to the second and third level allowing a part of the race track to ascend and descend effortlessly

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Grade: 7

Hydrogels: The key to saving water in agriculture

This experiment shows if hydrogels can conserve water in agriculture, hydrogels were created, and tested both in soil and in plain containers, and finally applied to the real world to see how much water could these gels save!!

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City of Calgary, Water Services Award for Secondary
Grade: 6


In this project, I will be testing a certain type of hydroponics: Deep Water Culture (DWC). Is it possible for us to use DWC to grow plants! Remember this does not include any soil!

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Grade: 6

Hydroponics (Can plants really grow without soil?)

My experiment was about hydroponics, I had planted 3 different seeds(pea, zucchini, eggplant seed)but they were in different temperatures, though some had grown and others did not. I had also given the three seeds three trials

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Grade: 7

Hydro Power

Which paddle design is most effective in producing electricity from a home-made hydroelectric generator system?

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Pathways Alliance Award for Innovation and Sustainability Runner Up
Grade: 9

identification of different lung dieases.

using machine learning to identify the different types of lung cancer, using ultrasound

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Alberta Teachers' Association, Calgary Public Teachers' Local 38 Award - Secondary
Grade: 5

If You Drum it You Feel It: The Rebound of Drumsticks

Since injuries to drummers wrists and arms are related to the amount of rebound in their drumsticks, what material of drumstick has the most rebound so drummers can prevent injury?

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CYSF Elementary Physical Science Award
Grade: 7

Impact of Alcohol Consumption

We want investigate the exact process in which the human body goes through when alcohol is regularly consumed. We also want to know how the brain and cognitive abilities of a human are altered.

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Grade: 8

Improving the Electrical Motor with Magnets

We will test if having magnets near motors affects their performance

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Grade: 9

Innovative AI Heart Attack Prediction

My Model identifies if individuals are at risk of heart attacks.

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CYSF Director's Award
Grade: 6


We will have different insulators placed in separate containers and place a ice cube in it, and place them on a hotplate, set heat and then set a timer for a 5 minutes and after it has rung we will see how much water has been melted from the ice cube.

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Grade: 10

Investigating the Electrolytic Properties of Salt (NaCl) in Gelatine for Conductive Gels in Electrocardiograms

Testing various conductive gels to create a cheap, environmentally friendly, prototype for surface EKG electrode pads to be used with an Electrocardiogram.

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CYSF Travel Award
A.S.M. Int'l Calgary Chapter Award
Grade: 7

Investigating the impact of caffeine on heart rate

In this project, we not only investigated the impact of caffeine on heart rate, we investigated on blood pressure, and on your brain

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Grade: 7

Is Climate Change a Myth or Real? An In-depth Analysis to Reveal the Fact Based on Evidence

A comprehensive research that aims to clarify the issue of climate change to raise awareness to save both our blue planet and the generations to come.

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Grade: 7

Is it better for a plant to flourish with or without human intervention?

I will cultivate 2 different mustard plants. I will grow them under the same natural conditions. However, I will take care of one of them and let the other one grow on its own. This will help us understand the role of humans in the growth of plants.

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Grade: 9

Is it Better to Use Ethanol or Gasoline?

A study to look into whether ethanol is better then gasoline as a whole.

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Grade: 5

Is it safe or not

What cover is the safest cover for a dog kennel is it a cover kennel a or a conferter

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Grade: 9

Is Mycelium The Key to a More Sustainable 21st Century Lifestyle?

In this project, I am looking into mycelium, a versatile 21st century material substitute.

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CWSF Alternate Award
Mahay Secondary Structure and Design Award
Grade: 7

Is the paranormal real and what is it?

We research the paranormal and study it to educate others

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Grade: 9

Is Time Travel Possible?

We have been advancing in our understanding of the world in several ways, so do we have the brains to actually try to time travel?

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Grade: 6

Is Willpower Enough to Stop Doing Drugs?

Researching different drugs and their effect on the brain, and how they become addicted.

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CYSF Elementary Social Sciences Award
Grade: 6

La bataille des Piles (The battle of the electric cells)

Comparer la puissance générée par des cellules électoroniques en mesurant le voltage et l'intensité du courant. Comparing the power generated by various electronic cells by mesuring the voltage and current.

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Grade: 6

La Musique et la Concentration

Ce projet scientifique vise à déterminer si la musique a un effet sur la concentration. Ce projet se propose d'effectuer une experience pour savoir si la musique aide à se concentrer et quels effets elle a sur le cerveau.

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Grade: 5

La régle de 5 secondes

Ce projet scientifique vise à déterminer sur quelles surfaces la règle de 5 secondes fonctionne pour minimiser la croissance des bactéries.

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Grade: 5

Lava lamps

We are going to test what type of oil makes the best lava lamp.

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Grade: 5

Le risque de la disparition des abeilles en Alberta

Comment prévenir la disparition des abeilles en Alberta?

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Grade: 6

Les effets bénéfiques de la consommation de l’eau pour le corps humain

Quelle est l’importance de la consommation de l’eau pour les humains tout au long de la journée pour une vie saine?

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Grade: 6

le sel dans le mere morte

je vais faire une experience qui va etre

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Grade: 5

Le soleil

Les caractéristiques du soleil.

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Grade: 6

Les produits chimiques dans le pain

On va voir comment les produits chimiques, ou non, changent dedans trois sortes de pain.

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Grade: 9

Lets figure out what kills bactira best.

in this project we will be figuring out what kills bacteria best. we will compairing colloidal silver, prescription drugs, cleaning suppy, and essential oils.

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Grade: 8

Lightbulbs Light Up

i will take 2 glasses of vinegar of different amounts of ML, then I will put the same kind of wired lightbulbs in each and see which one lights up more or less and maybe even not at all.

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Grade: 9

Limiting the Side Effects of Coronary Artery Disease Treatments

My project aims to make recovery from coronary artery disease easier for patients by limiting the side affects they would experience.

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Grade: 6

Location, Location, Location

Sand samples were tested for biotic and abiotic materials. Determining if the amount of biotic material can lead to knowing more about coral reef and beach desctruction.

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Grade: 6

Loft matters going the distance

My dad likes golf he wanted to know does club loft do

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Grade: 10

Lower Limb Auxiliary Exoskeleton Based on Gait Dataset

An exoskeleton designed to provide lower body support with gait management and analysis.

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CYSF Travel Award
CYSF Top Intermediate Runner Up
Grade: 5

Maglevs are Faster, Efficient, and Eco Friendly compared to HSWT

In recent years the Maglevs are gaining more traction for faster transport system. This project is focused on finding the Maglev are superior to the High Speed Wheeled Train (HSWT) and not impacting the environment adversely.

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Grade: 6

Maglev Trains

Maglev Trains and how they work.

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Webber Academy Elementary STEM Award
Grade: 6

Magnetic Dust Experiment

testing different magnets on magnetic dust.

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Grade: 8

Making Tailing Pond Water Clean Again

Tailing pond water is a serious environmental issue in Alberta. They lead to death, injuries, and are toxic to humans and animals alike. My project explores a similar topic - oil-water filtration.

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Grade: 6

Mario Kart IRL

I tested the different gliders from Mario Kart 8 Deluxe to see which one was the best

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CYSF Director's Award
Grade: 5

Mass and vibration

In this project, i will be discovering if mass has an effect on vibration. I will experiment by placing a vibration motor on a large toothbrush head and a smaller one in order to test out which one will vibrate and move more.

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Grade: 6

Math Time

I gave four people math questions at different times of the day to see which time is best for math

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Grade: 5

Medicines come from plants?

I found the heath of humans and how we get medicines from plant and animals.

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Grade: 6

Melt Down

What brand of ice melt ice the fastest?

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Haskayne School of Business Elementary Consumer Science Award
Grade: 6

Melting Mayhem: How does the shape of an ice cube affect how quickly it melts?

Does the shape of an ice cube (without changing anything but the shape) affect how long it lasts?

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Grade: 10

Mental Disorders in Gen Z

This project will take a look into the most prevalent mental disorders in Gen Z, including what they are, how they affect the carrier and others around them, and what the causes and solutions for them are.

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Grade: 6

Meteor Impacts on Different surfaces

testing what would be the strongest surface against 'meteors'

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Grade: 6

Milk& Bone density

This project is going to be on bone density and if milk can make bones denser.

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Grade: 6

Mind Over Math: Assessing meditation techniques for anxiety reduction.

This project assesses how movement meditation, mindfulness meditation, and no meditation influence math anxiety using heart rate monitoring during a 5-minute math test.

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Grade: 8

Mind over Music

In this prodject I will be testing if diffrent musical/soothing noises help while memorizing a set list of numbers/letters.

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Grade: 11

Minimizing time series forecasting error by considering a novel combination of factors to improve predictive accuracy

This project aims to improve on current methods of time series forecasting by making a model that uses convolutional attention and technical indicators, but functions similar to a Transformer.

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Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences Secondary Award
Grade: 8

MIT Ultrasound Patches

Me and my partner are working a research project about MIT's (Massachusetts Instatute of Technology) developing project about Ultrasound Patches.

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Grade: 5

Molecular Gastronomy

We left a yogurt sphere in sodium alginate for a long period of time to see if it creates a thick layer of gel around it. How to create a yogurt ravioli with the best POP!!!

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Grade: 12

Monitoring the Effect of Anaesthetics on Plants Using the Emission of Biophotons

This project is an experiment which makes use of quantum detectors to see the emission of biophotons from plants. The effect that applying anaesthesia has on these biophotons can then be used to describe the impact of anaesthetics on the human body.

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Grade: 7

Mood Machine

The goal of this project is to identify the factors that have the greatest impact on a person's mood and find ways to improve it using M.L.

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Grade: 5

Moon Phases

I did this project so I know the MOON PHASES and learn more facts about the moons.

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Grade: 6

MSG The Ultimate Flavor Enhancer .

To analyze if MSG enhances food flavor through a group of 60 participants from ages 10 - 74

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Grade: 6

Mushroom Mysteries: how do fungi reproduce?

A study of the reproductive life cycle of mushroom-forming fungi, methods fungi use to increase chances of reproductive success, and the similarities and differences in reproductive strategies between major groups of mushrooms

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Grade: 7

Music and the Mind

My project is about how music affects our nervous system and how it affects our moods. I've noticed many times that music has impacts on how we behave so I want to see how it implies this on us.

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Grade: 6

Music for studying

This project aims to study if the music is helpful in study. During the research, different sources were searched to find out the scientific evidence of this hypothesis.

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Grade: 7

My Stomach Hurts! (Study of the Human Diseases Related to Stomach Pain)

Specific and detailed researches on diseases involving stomach pain.

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Grade: 5

Nathans project on diabities

I did a project on snacking foods with type 2 diabetes. My dad ate food and then tested his blood sugar at a specific time of the day.

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Grade: 6

natural cleaners vs commercial cleaners

comparing different types of cleaners

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Grade: 5

Natural vs Chemical Cleaners Against Bacteria

we will be testing what surfaces collect the most bacteria which include a door handle, a light switch and a table. The cleaners we will be using include factory made cleaners, vinegar and dish soap.

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Grade: 5

Nature and Destruction

We are talking about pollution, bad gases and destruction

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Grade: 5

Nature's Water Filtration Wonders

I'm making an affordable and simple way to purify dirty water using materials from nature, so that people without clean water can see how easy it is.

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Grade: 8

Navigating AI - The Promise and Perils

An exploration into the realm of Artificial Intelligence (AI); offering a balanced view on how AI is shaping our world.

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Grade: 9

Need for Speed

Exploring the relationship between the speed of a vehicle and the adrenaline produced in the driver's system. We will investiage how different speeds affect the reaction of the human body.

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Grade: 8

Neural Implants: The Future of the Brain

Learning and doing research on neural implants.

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Grade: 11

Neuroarm: Noninvasive EEG-based control of assistive robotic arm using machine learning

Neuroarm represents the culmination of a progressive journey in robotics and neural engineering, transforming the way we interact with machines. This project revolves around the development of a sophisticated robotic arm controlled through EEG.

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Grade: 11

NeuroNet AI: Alzheimer’s Pathfinder

Using machine learning algorithms to detect what level of severity of Alzheimer’s an individual may have.

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Grade: 11

NeuroPulse: A Haptic Feedback Platform for the Treatment of Movement Disorders, Epilepsy, and Sports Injuries

Haptic feedback can change muscle perception and activity, suggesting that it can alter neurological and muscular disease course. This project attempts to provide experimental evidence for this, and develops a programmable platform for use by clinicians.

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Grade: 9

Ngan paradox

I have come up with my own theory on the multiverse using Alan Guths inflationary theory and the black hole portal theory.

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Grade: 10

Nosocomial Pathogens in children's hospitals

In this research-based study, we will investigate and analyze the incidence rate and transmission of nosocomial pathogens – hospital acquired infections – specifically in children’s hospitals.

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Grade: 8

Now You See Me Too

This project uses an ESP32 camera and advanced machine learning to integrate object detection into headphones, preventing pedestrian collisions by notifying the user instantly through an app and displaying colored indicators.

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CYSF Travel Award
Spartan Controls Secondary Award for Innovation and Computer Science
Innovate Calgary's Young Innovator's Award
Grade: 8

Oceanside Elevator

We are designing our own hydraulic elevator using ocean waves.

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Grade: 8

Optimizing Crop Growth With Agrivoltaics

Our project determines the most effective way to use agrivoltaics while optimizing plant growth. In this project, we test how the transparency of solar panels, impacts the growth of mustard.

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CYSF Travel Award
CYSF Travel Award
CYSF Junior Life Science Award
CYSF Top Junior Award
Grade: 11

Optimizing Sustainable Nitrogen Fixation in Azotobacter: Modulating Nitrogenase Activity with Iron(II) and Salinity Variations

In this project, we focus on enhancing the efficiency of nitrogen fixation in Azotobacter by manipulating two key factors: iron(II) concentrations and salinity levels.

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Grade: 5

Oreos And Milk

we are going to get multiple types of milk (choc, reg and plant) and leave an oreo in it for a bit and see the results of each one

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Melodie Becker Memorial Science Award
Grade: 7

Origami in Space

Our project is about how origami will be used to help engineers create expandable space crafts.

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Grade: 9

Oxidizing, Non-oxidizing and Surface Active Agents, Which Is The Most Effective?

In this experiment, I will be comparing different ways active ingredients in disinfectants kill pathogens. To do this i will be growing bacteria using serial dilution.

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Grade: 5

"Parachuting: the closest you'll ever get to feeling like a superhero."

We want to know which parachute desighn has the effect of both a square and round parachute

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Terry and Sharon Allen Special Merit Award for Elementary
Grade: 10

Pen-embedded sensor-based positioning system for millimeter accurate real-time note digitization

This project seeks to bridge the gap between digital convenience and the cognitive benefits of handwriting by designing a pen that digitizes writings without external components

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Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences Secondary Award
Haskayne School of Business Overall Consumer Science Award
Grade: 6

Personalized Preventative Health Care Treatments Utilizing Data Science

We asked people about their health related habits. We analyzed the data and found the best habits of healthy people.

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Grade: 7


We will be studying whether or not it is possible for salt, sugar, baking soda, and epsom salt crystals to generate electricity comparable to a quartz, using the piezoelectric effect.

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Grade: 7

Piezoelectricity: The Way To Revolutionize SmartWatch Efficiency

How to use piezoelectricity to save battery percentage of a smart watch.

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Grade: 9

Placebo Effect - Liquids Instead of Pills: Felicia Istratescu

I tested the Placebo Effect on humans, but instead of pills I created Placebo "energy drinks" to see if it would affect participant's typing speeds.

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Grade: 5

Plant fertilizers effect on plant growth

me and my partner want to see if the original plant grows better than the one with the fertilizer ?

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Grade: 5

Plant Pals

I am testing different soil types on a plant's growth

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Grade: 8

Plaque Attack!

We will be experimenting and innovating teeth-brushing technology to be more efficient at cleaning your teeth.

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Grade: 11


PlayTouchless is an application that includes multiple virtual tabletop game simulations that can be controlled using voice commands. PlayTouchless aims to allow people with inconvenient arms due to arm disabilities to enjoy tabletop games, touchless.

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Grade: 5

Pneumatic Props

2 props (A pumpkin monster and a boxing glove) that moves based off of a pneumatic system with an air compressor and a controller

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Grade: 8

Police Reported Violent Crime: Childhood Factors in Adult Offenders

I will research and analyze different patterns of major criminal offenders (offenses include murder, serious assaults, sex offenses, abductions, and some robberies) by sending out a survey to professionals to understand early life trauma and crime

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The Psychologists' Assoc. of Alberta Behavioural Science Award
Grade: 7


My project is about how pollution affects the world.

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Grade: 6

Popcorn Pop off!

Testing different brands of popcorn to see which one pops the most kernels at the end

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Grade: 5

Potato Power

Potatoes can produce electricity. My project will test if the temperature of the potato impacts the voltage. And my additional research is to see if potato power can be used to provide electricity around the world in remote areas.

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Grade: 11

Potentiality of neurobiological markers associated with psychopathy being predictors of incarceration for violent crime

This project strives to find out potential neurobiological markers that indicates higher risk of violent behaviours through analysis of statistics from previous literature and Statistics Canada.

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CYSF Director's Award
Grade: 6

Potential of Hydrogen (pH) on the Spherification of Liquids

This is a experiment based project on how different pHs of Liquids can affect spherification.

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Grade: 8

Powerful Future of Paleoanthropology

My project is a research project that will go in depth about human evolution.

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Grade: 6

Power Protectors/Tesla Matrix--- An economy possibility of optimizing the energy grid by integrating tesla autocharging technology

We are planning to optimize batteries' charging schedule on a Tesla Matrix based on electricity price predictions using artificial intelligence, and then do a charging and discharging experiment to see if our idea would work..

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Spartan Controls Elementary Award for Innovation and Computer Science
Grade: 8

Predicting a performance of a wind turbine through AI software

For this project, we will be designing a model of a wind turbine, using popsicle sticks, hot glue, and paper. Then we will be designing a code to predict how fast it spins, and test it out.

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Grade: 9

Pregnancy and Social Media

In this project, I looked into pregnancy and how different factors affect the mental and physical well-being of a mother. I looked at how social media positively and negatively impacted women and their behaviours when pregnant and during postpartum.

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Grade: 9

Productive re-use of Carbon Dioxide

Group 2 metals should react vigorously with oxygen as they all have two surplus valence electrons. If this reactivity can break up CO2 (which then the oxygen should react with group 2 metals to form metal oxides such as CaO or form O2 molecules.

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Grade: 5

Protecting the Blue iguana

Researching the Blue iguana

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Grade: 9

Proton Therapy: The Next Possible Cancer Treatment?

Does proton therapy present a good alternative to other treatment options for cancer? In this project, I will go over the key benefits and cons of different types of proton therapy compared to regular/more commonly used treatments in the medical world.

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Grade: 11

Quantifying the Impact of High Fat/Sucrose Diet on Local Inflammation of the Vastus Lateralis and Soleus Muscles in Female Rats

The Vastus Lateralis and Soleus muscles of female rats fed a high fat/sucrose diet versus a chow-fed diet will be assessed for local inflammation using an immunohistochemistry-derived macrophage count.

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Grade: 11

Quantum Dots: The Future of Cancer Research

Quantum dots (QD) hold promise in advancing medicine. This research project will explore the various applications of QD, compare it to the current method of those such medical applications, and examine how QDs can be implemented into the heath care system

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Grade: 5

quicksand and how you sink in it

We will be testing different mixtures to find out which mixture will make a loonie sink the fastest and how far it will make it to the bottom of the vases

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Grade: 8

Radiation Confirmation

Discovering how much radiation is released from household objects.

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Grade: 10

Rapid Gene-Drug Interaction Analysis for Personalized NSCLC Therapy Management: A Python-Based Diagnostic Model

This project aims to identify gene mutations associated with drug resistance in Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer (NSCLC) and develop a computer algorithm for their detection in patient genomes, facilitating personalized treatment strategies.

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Grade: 12

Recognition of Muscle Fatigue Status Based on Clustering of Extracted EMG Features

This project will be of a discrete approach to recognize muscle fatigue by using EMG signals and time frequency clustering to address challenges of muscular disease and fatigue.

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CWSF Alternate Award
ENMAX Communication Award - Secondary
Grade: 8

relationship between compost concentration in soil and sustainability

The goal of this experiment was to determine the relationship between the percent composition of compost in soil, and sustainability. pH was used as a quantifiable value to measure sustainability, as explained in the background. Soils containing different

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Grade: 5

Rocket fuel

I want to know what is the most common rocket fuel used

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Grade: 7

Rock, Paper, Scissors

we will figure out what stratiges to use to win out of three rounds of rock paper scissors.

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Grade: 8

Rubble Robot Car

A fire proof robot that can have AI to detect humans that are under rubble.

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Grade: 9

Salt Solution: Do sidewalk deicer salts affect radish seed germination?

How different sidewalk salt deicers affect the growth and germination of radish seeds.

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Grade: 7

salt water energy

salt water energy

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Grade: 7

Save the Soil

Testing for the most effective method to prevent flat farmland soil erosion from elemental factors. Factors include wind, rains, and flooding.

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UCalgary Dept. of Geoscience Secondary Runner Up
Grade: 7

Save Your Smile

Our project is on how sugary drinks affect our teeth . We are studying thr harmful cause on our teeth by sugary drinks.

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Grade: 5

Saving animals using electricity

My project would be an electronic chip that you would either add to a chip that the sea animal already had or put a new chip on them. When a garbage patch would be cleaned, an electric wire would be put around the garbage patch so when the animal goes ne

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Grant MacEwan Nature Protection Award (Elementary)
Grade: 7

Saving electricity with a humidity sensor

This project is looking at how long it takes to dry clothes without a timer and how much electricity it will save.

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Grade: 6

Saving Soil with Plants

Determining if plants can reduce the amount of soil erosion on a sloping surface.

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City of Calgary BiodiverCity Award - Junior or Elementary
Grade: 9

Science Behind Diets

I will be comparing a plant based diet and a omnivore diet, I will also be seeing which one is healthier for the human body especially athletes

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Grade: 8

Scraps to Scrolls: Can Food Scraps be Utilized Into an Alternative to Traditional Wood Pulp Paper?

In our project, we will utilize six different vegetable scraps and try to create an environmentally conscience alternative to wood pulp paper.

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Haskayne School of Business Secondary Consumer Science Award Runner Up
Grade: 5

Separating Oil from Water, Decreasing the Amount of Oil in the World's Oceans

I will get five containers using Micro Blaze, Oil Only Sorbent Pad, Absorb-all, Saw Dust and an Oil Skimmer to remove as much water as possible!

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Grade: 5

Shape Up With Aerodynamics

How the shape of the rocket affects its flight

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Grade: 6

Shining A Light on Plant Growth

This project aims to demonstrate that plants thrive better in a heated and enclosed terrain than a cold and dark environment. Two variables and one control can produce the results that are needed in this project.

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Grade: 8

Shining Light on E. Coli: Investigating the Effects of UV-C Radiation on Bacterial Growth

In this project, we will be determining the minimum duration of UV-C radiation exposure required to fully inactivate the cultivation of K12 Escherichia coli

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Webber Academy Junior STEM Award
Grade: 6

Should GOFR still be continued?

I will be looking into ePPPs, and GOF research and problems with them.

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Grade: 6

Simply Pure

I had Lake water and then I had different filtration methods ( Activated Charcoal, Rock & sand , Disstilation) I then I tested pH, Lead and the clarity of the water then based on those i found out which filtration or purification method worked best.

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Grade: 8

Smart Dust Bin

I created a self sorting dust bin using a Raspberry pi and python coding.

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Grade: 6

Smelly You

I'm going to take different fabrics and put 3 sprays on each fabric and check every 5 minutes to see if the smell is still there.

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Grade: 6

Smile Killers

We are doing an experiment about teeth corrosion and which drinks corrode human teeth the most.

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AMPP Corrosion Engineers Award
Grade: 5

Smoking vs Vaping: Is history repeating itself?

This is a research project about whether or not vaping has helped more people stop smoking or has it turned into another addiction in society.

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Grade: 9

Snake Morphs

How can individual morphs and combinations of morphs affect the overall functions of a ball python?

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Grade: 8

Soaring with the Birds: Using Biomimicry to Improve The Wings of Commercial, Recreational and Rescue Aircraft

I improved the performance of traditional airfoils by biomimicking adaptations found in birds.

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CYSF Travel Award
CYSF Top Junior Runner Up
Grade: 5

Soil Erosion

We will be testing different types of objects/materials that can help prevent soil ersion.

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Grade: 5

solar energy

what material reflects and obsorbs solar energy the best.

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Grade: 5

Solar Oven

To experiment using the energy from the sun to operate a modified oven to heat food

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Grade: 6

Solar Panels and Snow: Comparing the effectiveness of solar panels angled up or down

I am testing the difference of watt hours between a solar panel facing up and facing down, and how much this recharges a battery, to see if bifacial solar panels are effective to increase the amount of power generated in Calgary's winter.

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Grade: 5

solar power vs electrical power

You can make toast by buttering a slice of bread then letting the Sun do the rest. Cooking a hot dog or making nachos with chips and cheese are also fun treats to make in your solar oven! It would also work great to heat up leftovers. So the paper at the

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Grade: 7

Solar Rocket

We research if rockets can use a non-poluting energy sourse to replace jet fuels, how solar panels work and what batteries can be useful.

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Grade: 9

Solar Spear: Efficient Solar UAV

In this project we will bring solar panels to UAVs, so that if there is no grid power, the UAVs can still run.

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Solar and Renewable Energy Award
Grade: 6

Sound Barriers

Eight different materials were tested see how soundproof they were.

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Grade: 8

Sound Frequency and Its Effects on Our Learning

My project's main purpose is to test sound frequencies and how if I listen and contrast between a low, medium, and high frequency would my learning abilities change?

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Grade: 8

Sour Showers

Testing acid rain's effect on plants

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Grade: 8

Spark and Ignition Popular Fire Starting Methods and Tinders

I have tested multiple fire starting methods and tinders/ fire starters to see which is the best.

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Grade: 6

Speeding to a Better Future

Magnetic levitating trains

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Grade: 5

Spin it to light it

I will design a model to explain how lightbulbs with different voltage need different energy levels for it to light up the brightest

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Grade: 6

Spinning Surfaces

Determining what surfaces provided the least friction.

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Grade: 5

Sprouting solutions:a plant growth experiment

testing the ideal plant growing conditions.

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Grade: 5

sprout race

I am trying to find out how much water does a sprout need in a day.

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Grade: 8

Staggering Brake Lights

I tested to see if staggering coloured brake lights were more effective then regular red coloured brake lights, and if they could reduce the amount of rear end accidents.

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Grade: 5

Strong Bridges

I tested an arch bridge, beam bridge and suspension bridge to determine which was the strongest.

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Grade: 5

Structural stability and soil liquefaction during earthquakes.

Sructural stability and soil liquefaction during an earthquake. I've tested with different building structure proportions and I've also tested different ground compositions to see which building structure or soil composition get less damage

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Buckley Family Award For Earth Sciences (Elementary)
Grade: 8

Study Habit AI: Environmental Stimuli, Analysis, MBTI, and Design

The project aims to create a more productive atmosphere by creating a list that recommends what stimuli and environments would contribute most to your productivity based off of your MBTI a self created and run survey, and machine learning.

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Grade: 9

Successful Sequestration

How to most efficiently sequestrate carbon that will be best for not only our planet but our society as a whole.

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Grade: 5

Sugar The Bitter Truth

The purpose of this project is to help people understand and to be mindful of what they eat and how much sugar they consume everyday. Nowadays, people like to eat good that taste good, but they neglect the sugar level they are taking in from the food.

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Grade: 5

Sunshine Plants

I am going to see if the hours of sunlight affects a plant growth i will use 3 different type of plants basil seeds radish seeds and bean seeds

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Grade: 8

Superasorbent Polymers for Drought Resistance

Different polymers were tested in soil, to see how long the polymers would aid in keeping the soil hydrated.

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Grade: 9

Super Solar

My project is an innovative way of heating small spaces using clean energy.

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Grade: 6

Sweet Science: Can You Have Your Cake And Eat It Too?

I will be measuring the blood sugar after consuming a meal. I will add fiber before the meal and exercise after the meal to see how they impact the postprandial glucose spike.

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Al Chato Elementary Award
Grade: 6

Swish it

To make sure that people don't spend money on mouthwashes that don't work

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CYSF Elementary Consumer Science Award Runner Up
Grade: 8

Synesthesia or Different Colored Juice?

How does different colors of same juice affect the perception of it's taste? We will be testing this by coloring cups of juice with different colors, and have it tasted and described of its "different" tastes.

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Grade: 5

Tableau intelligent ou Tableau blanc traditionnel dans la salle de classe

En utilisant nos camarades de classe comme sujets, nous allons découvrir si les élèves apprennent mieux avec un tableau blanc ou un tableau intelligent.

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Grade: 7

Take the Safe Router-The Internet and it's Many Risks

Looking into the different risks of the internet (Phishing, Malware, etc.) and what tactics can be used in order to trick you as is best possible, as well as possible ways to prevent this.

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Grade: 8

Tannins in Fruit Peels - Homemade, Natural, and Effective Antibacterial Solutions

Extracting tannins/tannic acid from fruit peels in water to make effective and natural antibacterial solutions.

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Association of the Chemical Profession of Alberta Award
Grade: 10

Temporal and Geographical Evolutionary Analysis of SARS-CoV-2 Pandemic Using Organic Bioinformatics Pipeline

Analysis of changes and evolution in the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus over time and across physical borders using computer-enabled evolutionary testing such as neutrality tests and originally developed bioinformatics pipeline

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Grade: 11

Temporamental: The relationship between music tempo and brainwave activity

Studying the effects of different tempos (BPM) of music on brainwave patterns, measured by the Muse 2 Headband.

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NSERC Young Innovators Travel Award
Haskayne School of Business Secondary Consumer Science Award
C.K. and Conchita Hao Award for Ingenuity - Senior
Grade: 11

TerraMars AI Explorer

This project is about creating an AI machine learning model that can predict and highlight specific ore deposits using satellite images on Mars, aiding with resource sustainability efforts on Earth.

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Grade: 6

Testing the melting points of different types of chocolate

Testing the melting point of different types of pure chocolate

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Grade: 5

Testing The Use Of Household Waste In Growing Bean Plants

What type of soil and water will grow the healthiest plant

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Grade: 6

That's Slippery

Using different materials to melt ice.

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Grade: 6

The art of science

The study of the transfer of heat energy to light energy

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Grade: 7

The atrocity of the sugar industry

My project is about which is better from sugar and artificial sweeteners. I did research on which is better in calories, taste, in health, and facts of how they are bad and good. I did a experiment to see which tastes different. This helps by being healty

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Grade: 5

The Best Toothpaste

We tested 3 types of toothpaste in which we will see which one will be cleaning the most. We will also see why and what ingredients are in it that makes it clean the most.

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Grade: 5

The Blood Clot Cascade

what is the blood clotting cascade

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Grade: 9

The Bones We Break

Determine which bones children ages 0-18 break the most and what is the main cause.

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Grade: 9

The Coherer Effect As A Transistor

The goal of this scientific project is to use the Coherer Effect, which usually acts like a radio receiver as a transistor.

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Grade: 9

The Devil Made Me Do It: the Effects of Environmental Factors on Future Criminal Behavior

Studying the effect of previous environmental factors on future criminal behavior.

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Shad Award for Social Innovators
Grade: 6

The effect of recycled greywater irrigation on plant growth

The experiment comprise of comparative effect of greywater and tap water irrigation on plant growth.

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Grade: 11

The Effects of Clostridium innocuum on the Development of Autism Spectrum Disorder-Like Sociability and Microglial Morphology in BTBR Mice

Germ-free mouse subjects will be monocolonised with C. innocuum strains from neurotypical and autistic individuals; the social behaviour and microglial morphology of each test group will be analysed. Direct handling of the mice will be done by members of

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Grade: 11

The Effects of Ketamine and Cannabidiol (CBD) on Neuronal Viability and Function Using P2 Rat Hippocampal Brain Cell Cultures

This research project aims to investigate the effects of ketamine and marijuana (CBD oil) on neuronal viability and function through P2 rat hippocampal brain cell cultures. The study focuses on the hippocampal neurons, analyzing cell viability, synaptic g

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CYSF Director's Award
Grade: 8

The Effects of Social Media on Adolescents

I will be comparing the effects of social media on adolescent males and females, with the intent to answer which group it affects more, detail the positive and negative effects, and investigate which variety of social media they use the most.

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Grade: 6

The Effects of Varying Soil Composition on Growth in Bush Beans Over a 42 Day Period

How changing different amounts of sand, soil and clay affects bean plant growth.

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Grade: 5

The Environmental Impact of Different Forms of Transportation

Our project is about the environmental impact of different forms of transportation, and how much pollution different types of vehicles cause in different parts of the world.

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Grade: 8

The Field Equations Flat Spacetime Solution and Closure of Wormholes

Research about the field equaitions in general relavtivty and its realtion to the closure of wormholes.

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Grade: 6

The Future of EV Batteries

What can we do to make electric car batteries (specifically Lithium-Ion) last longer on full charge and also improve lithium-ion batteries better in other ways.

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Grade: 7

The Future of Healthcare - Precision Medicine

I plan on researching all the factors and components of Precision Medicine, trying to get a better idea on how genetics, DNA, RNA, and RNAseq work; what cancer is, the issues and developments of this course of treatment.

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Grade: 12

The Future of Martial Arts? A Computerised Judge for Scoring Karate Matches.

In this project I created a prototype software system that can act as a judge in Karate sparring matches using a combination of sequential and image-based models.

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Queen's University Applied Science Prize
Grade: 5

The Greatest Battle of the Century 'pH Vs. Boiling point'

Boiling different types of pH and seeing which pH boils the fastest and which pH boils the slowest

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Grade: 8

The Guard

This project explores the best approach to flexible and effective stab protection for first responders, considering the impacts of a stab wound on the human body.

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Grade: 9

The Gut-Lung Axis: The Interactions of The Gut and Lung Microbiomes

The bacteria in the Gastrointestinal system has a great influence on the body and other organs, and in this case specifically the lungs. In this project we will showcase the diseases and affects of an unbalanced gut microbiome, and how to keep it safe.

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Grade: 12

The Helping Hand Project

The Helping hand is a fully autonomous robotic hand designed to aid those with limited dexterity

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Terry Allen Travel Scholarship
Schulich School of Engineering First Prize
CYSF Top Senior Runner Up
Grade: 7

The Hun-Grr games

we are researching about ''what if herbivores and carnivores switched diets''

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Grade: 5

The Hydraulic JCB

We researched about hydraulics.

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Grade: 7

The Immune System: Your Personal Armada

We go into a deep dive into the world of your Immune System and how it works, talking about the many soldiers and organs that contribute to you being here right now, keeping you alive.

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Grade: 7

The Immune System: Your Personal Army

In this research project, I have conducted accurate information to provide an easy-to-understand explanation of how the Immune System is activated, how it neutralises invaders, and how you can "boost" it.

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Grade: 8

The Impact of Colors on our emotions

I am researching what people experience while seeing certain colors. I will also do an experiment, to see if my research is true.

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Grade: 6

The Impact of Social Media on Dreams

How do the genres of social media posts viewed by people affect their dreams?

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Grade: 7

The Impacts of Genetic Modification On Humans, Plants, Animals and Microorganisms

Is genetic modification actually good for the planet? I will be researching the advantages and disadvantages of genetic modification on humans, plants, animals, and microorganisms.

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Grade: 5

The Jerk

Like an avalanche backpack that is meant to jerk skateboarder/scooter rider off of dangerous falls by breaking the falls. Proof of concept.

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Grade: 7

"The magic of sound"

To use sound waves to "levitate" small objects, Styrofoam balls, pieces of tissue ETC.

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Grade: 9

The Material of Cup Affecting The Temperature of Liquid Inside

We will be using digital cooking thermometers to measure the temperature of the hot drink in each cup. This will help others know which cup is better.

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Grade: 8

The Micro-Guard Microplastic Collector

Small specs of microplastics in our water bodies are growing at a constant rate. How can we use robots to solve this problem before it's too late?

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CYSF Travel Award
Pathways Alliance Award for Innovation and Sustainability
Grade: 8

The Novelty of cFDNA: The Future of Adenocarcinoma Cures.

In my research project, I will be showing that cFDNA biomarker is more effective and better than the traditional methods used today for Adenocarcinoma cancer like Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) and Computerized Tomography (CT).

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Grade: 5

The Perfect Shot

Shooting from middle range in five different on the court to find the optimal spot to shoot from.

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Grade: 6

The Plant In space

My project will be about growing plants without soil and water but with sunlight and it will be comparing the growth of the plants that are growing in soil and the plant that is growing in the microgravity.

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Alberta Teachers’ Association, Calgary Public Teachers’ Local 38 Awards -Elementary
Grade: 7

The Plastic Paradox

Paving the way to a cleaner environment

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Grade: 9

The potential impact of childhood upbringing, traumatic and socioeconomic factors towards ASPD observed in adulthood.

This research project aims to assess whether or not childhood factors such as upbringing, traumatic and socioeconomic aspects impact antisocial personality disorder (ASPD) observed in adulthood in order to determine if ASPD is fully hereditary.

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Grade: 11

The Power of AI in Medicine - Using Machine Learning to Predict Cancer Diagnoses and Outcomes

This project aims to research the application of machine learning technologies for enhancing cancer diagnosis and prognosis. By integrating large-scale datasets encompassing patient information, advanced predictive algorithms can be developed.

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Grade: 8

The Power of Suggestion

Can what authority figures say alter your recollection of an event? And if so, are firsthand accounts really reliable?

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Grade: 7

The Price of Popularity: A Comparative Study of Brand Name and Generic Items

A study of teen purchasing habits when choosing between brand name and generic products, and which is the best value.

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Grade: 6

There's a hole in my bottle and it doesn't leak!

Water does not flow out of a bottle with holes at the lower part of the bottle if the bottle cap is closed. Experiment determines if size and quantity of holes has an affect on if water will flow out of the bottle with the cap on.

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Grade: 8

The Rubber Hand Illusion

Our experiment examines how our senses can fool us.

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Grade: 5

The Science Behind Elephant Toothpaste

My partner and I are making elephant toothpaste and exploring the science behind it.

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Grade: 7

The science behind spice

this project will demonstrate the effects of spice and what is actually happening in your mouth when eating spicy food.

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Grade: 6

The Science of Cuteness: How Kawaii influences behaviours in different people

This project focuses on how cuteness (Kawaii) influences people behaviours, feelings and physical actions.

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CYSF Director's Award
Grade: 5

The Science of Papercraft Aviation, Casper and Jordan Science Fair Project

How different paperweights affect drag and lift and speed on a paper aircraft.

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Grade: 7

The Silent Thief of Sight

The silent thief of sight, the one that makes you part from your eye sight, has taken a tragic toll on our global eye sight...

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Grade: 11

The Sleep Manual For Teenagers

How can sleep be effectivly managed, by enhancing your sleep routine, and sleep cycle

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Grade: 7

The Sound of Silence

I will try to cancel a sound by inversing the sound on a different speaker.

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Grade: 9

The study and research of Earth Quakes

The brief description of my project is the research and study of Earth quakes, using this information to make people acknowledge how important earth quakes are and how dangerous they could be.

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Grade: 5

The study of fluid dynamics

I talk about fluid dynamics with multiple experiments shown.

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Grade: 10

The Subconscious Effects of Music on your Cognitive Function

Participants between grades 7 to 11 will read a paragraph while listening to a genre of music. After they are given a test based off of the paragraph. We analyze the marks and see which music genre is best for studying.

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Grade: 7

The Sudsational World Of Soaps

This Science Fair Project will be focused on different common soap variables and experimenting with cotton swabs and petri dishes to see which have the best cleansing properties. Along with other categories such as lather, ingredients and hardness

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Grade: 8

The Teeth-Decay Experiment

The Teeth-Decay Experiment uses six different beverages to demonstrate how they can affect our teeth over long periods of time. It uses popular drinks and eggs to demonstrate how they can hurt our teeth.

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Grade: 5

the temperature of the earth

Je vais parler des changements de température de la terre depuis les années 1850 jusqu'à aujourd'hui. La température de la Terre a-t-elle augmenté ou diminué a travers des années ? ​

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Grade: 6

The Vertebrae

In this presentation. I will be further explaining about the vertebrae backbones and all of the symptoms that are in your back spine. I will also be explaining a bit about the spinal cord nerves that flow through you vertebrae using models and pictures.

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Grade: 9

The What, Why and How of Quantum Physics

I aim to cover several aspects of quantum physics, quantum computing, and their application in order to better our society as a whole.

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Grade: 6

the wonders of the digestive system

the wonders of the digestive system are we supposed to eat meat or veggtables

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Grade: 5


I am researching If tigers can switch habitats.

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Grade: 8

Time: Is it Something We Can Manipulate?

There are two ways to manipulate time: literally and perceptually.

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Grade: 7

Tobbie's Maze

We are testing if Tobbie the robot can go through a maze like the pakaging said.

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Grade: 5

to jazz or not to jazz that is the question

does jazz music affect a plants growth if i play it each day?

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Grade: 8

Transforming E. Coli into Glowing Bacteria

Transforming E. Coli into Glowing Bacteria and understanding transformation efficiencies.

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Sanofi Biogenius Ccanada Award
Grade: 7

Transforming Stem Cells For Transplant Success

Studying how cellular reprogramming could possibly be used to design a stem cell for transplantation.

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Grade: 6

Treacherous Triclosan

This is literature review on the use of Triclosan , it's side long term effects and it's continued use in some common OTC products.

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Haskayne School of Business Elementary Consumer Science Runner Up Award
Grade: 6

Treating And Preventing Bee Allergies

In this project we will learn about why bees sting, what the venom of a bee does to your immune system, what a bee allergy looks like, and, most importantly, how a bee allergy can be prevented or lessened in severity.

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CYSF Elementary Life Science Award
Grade: 8

Trendy Tunes- Why music appeals to us

Through this project, we want to discover why people enjoy listening to certain music.

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Grade: 6

Underwater Earthquakes.

I am researching what happens when an underwater earthquake appears and how dangerous it is and what caused it.

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Grade: 5

Unraveling the Mystery - Temperature and DNA

Who did it? A banana has been murdered. Three groups of strawberries are suspected. One group fled to the freezer, another hid out in the microwave, and the last hid under the table. Can DNA still be extracted?

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CYSF Director's Award
Grade: 9

Unraveling the Success of ADA and PDK1 Overexpressed CAR T cells in Clearing Colorectal Adenocarcinoma Through RNA Sequencing Analysis

Analyzing RNA-seq data of successful CAR T-cells and CAR T-cells with limitations in clearing colorectal cancer to identify differentially expressed genes and enriched pathways involved in persistent CAR T-cell function within the tumor microenvironment.

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Pfizer Oncology Science Award
Grade: 6

Unveiling Natures Secrets To Water Purification Methods

Our project is about the best way to naturally purify water.You never know when you're a situation when you need to purify water naturally in an emergency.This project is an experimental based project and we have been using dog pee snow.

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Grade: 11

Use of Convolutional Neural Networks in electrocardiogram readings to identify heart diseases and predict heart attacks

I will be creating a machine learning model (convolutional neural network) which will analyze and detect features from electro cardiogram readings to identify and predict heart attacks and diseases.

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Grade: 9

Using AI to Screen and Detect Skin Cancer

In this project, I create, train, and program a real-time object detection software to screen and detect skin cancer, as well as the type of tumour, i.e. classify benign versus malignant melanoma tumours.

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CYSF Travel Award
Buckley Family Award For Engineering (Secondary)
Schulich School of Engineering Second Prize
Grade: 10

Using Carbon Filtration In Soil To Remove Excess Nitrates Polluting Aquatic Ecosystems

Our project aims to reduce the amount of nitrate compounds that drain into groundwater from fertilizer runoff. The excess nitrate causes drastic algal blooms, which in turn causes oxygen deficiencies in waters; these areas are known as Dead Zones.

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Grade: 6

Using CRISPR and artificial environments to alter stem cells to create organs

I will be using CRISPR and artificial environments to control how a stem cell will change to create organs that will help people across the globe with no available organs to use.

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Grade: 10

Using Genetic Engineering to Save Coral Reefs

A deep dive into how genetic engineering techniques, such as CRISPR, can help increase resistance of corals against the effects of climate change, specifically coral bleaching.

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City of Calgary BiodiverCity Award - Intermediate or Junior
Grade: 11

Using the SUIT Toolbox in SPM12 to Analyze the Effects of Methylphenidate Use, Dosage, and Duration on Cerebellar Structures and Volume

Through the analysis of various T1 MRI scans gathered from affected and control research participants, this project uses the SUIT toolbox in SPM12 to analyze changes in cerebellar volume between MPH-using, ADHD, and neurotypical individuals.

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Grade: 9

Vitality of Music

For my experiment I wanted to know whether music had an effect on a plants growth or not and if the type of music made a difference. I got 9 Wilma Cypress plants and am playing 3 of them sad music, 3 of them happy music and 3 without music.

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Grade: 6

Wash your vegetables!

This project is how not washing, washing, and boiling vegetables can effect amounts and types of bacteria grown

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Grade: 8

Waste to Wealth: Transforming Food Waste to Slash Methane in Landfills

This project looks at food waste from various industries, analyzes the important bioactive compounds found in them and the potential of utilizing them to convert into value-added products.

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Grade: 8

Was the Compostable Bag Change Really Necessary?

For my project, I will be comparing the compostability of the city's compostable bags, and the compostablilty of the classic paper bags to determine which is safer for the enviorment.

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Grade: 9

Water Filtration System

My partner and I created a water filtration system by testing 4 materials and observing how well they filtered contaminated water.

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Grade: 7

Water Testing!

Tap water, storm water, hauled water and filtered water to determine which is safest to drink. I tested for bacteria, ammonium chloride, fluoride, copper, lead and other possible contamination..

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Grade: 5

Water: Time to Come Clean

Experiments to determine the best way to filter dirty water to make clean water

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Buckley Family Award For Engineering (Elementary)
Grade: 6

Water vs Saltwater vs Ice tea

we will be watering fern plants with three different liquids.. Aka water too base it of off and salt water and ice tea

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Grade: 6


Mimicingtectonic plates and simulating an earthquake

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Grade: 5

What an electromagnetic train is and how it works

A train that includes magnetic fields that push it forward and small motor ran by 2 double batteries.

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Grade: 9

What are the effects of immunosuppressants on the human body and how can they benefit or harm our immune system?

This project is about the study of immunosuppressants and how they influence the human body’s immune system. This research will help us evaluate the positive and negative factors concerning the use of immunosuppressants.

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Grade: 11

What are you washing with?

This experiment will consist of 3 trials, each with clothing samples with various stains. These samples will clean with various detergents to find the best way to wash clothes

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Grade: 7

What Beverage Stains Our Teeth The Most?

My project is testing what beverage stains our teeth the most using the beverages ( coca-cola Gatorade iced tea or apple jui) I am going to dip 4 eggs into each beverage take it out and anylize the eggs to the fifth egg that has only been dipped in water.

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Grade: 5

What Chemical Elements Do Rocks Contain

The presentation will be a spreadsheet of what rocks I tested, Where I found them and what elements they contain. There also will be research involved which will just be a lot of info. As well as some physical samples

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Grade: 6

What Dish Soap Cleans The Best?

our main part of our science projectis to find out what dish soap cleans the best most advertized dish soaps or least advertized dish soaps using petry dishes

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Grade: 6

What evidence is there to prove, or against the Big Bang theory, is it true or not?

This project is about the evidence that there is to prove in the big bang theory, or against it. The project goes in deeply about the big bang, what evidence is there to prove it, or against it. It also talks about what contradicts the big bang, and is it

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Grade: 6

What If Canada Had Maglev Trains?

This project is about how the electromagnetic field works, the benefits of the maglev train, and what if Canada had this train.

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Grade: 6

What is Quantum Computing?

My project will go over what quantum computing is, how quantum computing is related to quantum mechanics, and quantum computing's applications.

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Grade: 5

What is the Best Design For a Paper Airplane

The project is about testing three different paper airplanes in two tests: speed and distance. I will also be covering the four forces of flight ,how airplanes fly ,and what aerodynamics is.

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Grade: 9

What is the best sustainible protein source

This project will look at the sustainibility and popularity of various protein sources.

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Grade: 8

What is the best type of battery to make at home?

Creating and research the various types of batteries. Discovering what makes them so good and which one is most viable to make at home.

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Grade: 6

What is the difference between what colors cats see and what colors dogs can see

Find out about the difference between what colors cats can see and what colors dogs can see, includes photos and a description of who it works and why.

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Grade: 6

What is the Effect of Noise on the Memory Cycle?

In this project i am going to find out that what is the effect of noise on the memory cycle. I am testing participants with memory cards and i am using a stopwatch to time them on how long they take with noise and without noise.

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Grade: 5

What Is The Ozone Layer

I Researched what the Ozone Layer , how it affects us humans , and why it is important .

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Grade: 5

What Soap Cleans Hands Best

Different soaps were tested to determine which one cleaned your hands the best.

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Grade: 6

What Solution of Fruit Cleaner Works the Best?

In this project we will look at what type of fruit cleaner works the best. The types of fruit cleaners that we are using are nothing, water, vinegar, and veggie wash.

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Grade: 6

What's on my toothbrush? The science of bacteria colonies gathering on a toothbrush

I will be testing bacteria colonies on a normal use toothbrush. I will use my family members to test by getting them to brush with 4 different toothbrushes everyday, then get them to put the toothbrush in different locations. I will test with agar.

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Grade: 5

What Sports Drink Has The Most Electrolytes?

I will be comparing a variety of different sport drinks to measure the amount of electrolytes using a multimeter.

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Grade: 7

What's the best speed to whip your ice cream?

This project defines the 3 speeds to create ice cream. Those speeds will show if ice cream will form at a low, medium or high speed. We will be keeping the freezing time and amounts of ingredients for the ice cream the same, but change the speed for each

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Grade: 7

Whats the cleanest way to dry your hands?

The purpose of our project is to find out if using a hand dryer and/or a paper towel is sanitary. To find out if hand dryers and paper towels have unwanted bacteria, we experimented using petri dishes.

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Grade: 6

What type of cereal is most likely to give you cancer??

If there is cancer in cereal and researching if it is true.

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Grade: 9

What type of disinfectant is best at preventing bacterial/microbial growth?

In this project, the effectiveness of different types of common household disinfectants against the growth of bacterial colonies, will be tested.

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Grade: 6

What type of water is best for a bush bean seed

We are testing what type of water is best for a bush bean seed plant to try to produce more food and help deal with food crises. Our types of water are sugar water, salt water, soapy water, coloured water, tap water and Kids Liquid Tylenol

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Grade: 6

What type of yeast makes the best bread

we will bake 3 different types of bread using 3 different types of yeasts then we will ask 15 people different categories such as: the texture, the general flavor etc

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Grade: 6

when you close your eyes do you hear better?

I am testing if having your eyes closed will help you hear better.

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Grade: 9

Where will we be in the future?

This project explores the three main outcomes of future human existence and its ramifications based on three possible outcomes: Collapse, Plateau, Transcendence. The question: which path in this crossroad will we take?

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Grade: 8

Which Bridge Structure Can Hold The Most Weight?

In this project, I will test out three different structures of bridges to test which one can withstand the most weight.

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Grade: 5

Which cup will keep a hot drink warm longer, Paper,Plastic, Styrofoam, or Glass?

We will look into the science behind thermal insulation and see which cup keeps hot drink warm longer. In this experiment principle of thermal conductivity applies. We will take hot water and check its temperature in different cups over time.

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Grade: 6

Which DIY paper airplane launcher can launch a paper airplane the farthest.

Making 2 different types of paper airplane launchers to see which one could launch a airplane the farthest.

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Grade: 5

Which Fabric Holds Heat the Longest

Testing to see which type of fabric can hold heat the longest.

View Project
Grade: 9

Which fruits produces enough energy to light a light bulb

I will be testing apples, oranges, lemons, and potatoes to see which ones can emit the most energy and light

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Grade: 6

Which gender is more sensitive to heat

I will build a box that heats up. Then i will get each biological sex to step inside the box and come out when their palms get sweaty. Then i will do more reashearch.

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Grade: 8

Which Mineral Sunscreen Brand has the Best UV Shield?

In this project, I will grow yeast colonies and place them under the Sun while covered in different brands of mineral sunscreen. I will test to see which brand is most effective against UV rays.

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Grade: 9

Which Moisturizer Works The Best (Most expensive to least expensive)

Testing which moisturizer keep skin (jello) most hydrated

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Grade: 5

Which soap removes more grease the best in least amount of time dish soap hand soap or shampoo

My partner and I were curious that which soap removes more grease in least amount of time

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Grade: 8

Which surface in my house has the most bacteria?

I will test the amount of bacteria on different surfaces in my house using petri dishes. The different surfaces where I will test out the bacteria levels are going to be wooden floor, carpet and windows.

View Project
Grade: 5

Which toothpaste whitens the best?

I will use a tri foldv

View Project
Grade: 7

Which type of renewable energy is the best? Hamza and Hasan

Which type of renewable energy is the best?

View Project
Grade: 5

Whispering Growth

We are seeing if talking to plants help them grow.

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Grade: 5

Why cell phones (batteries) discharge quickly in a cold environment?

describe how cell phone's or in general batteries are affected by cold temperature

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Grade: 10

Why doesn’t antimatter make Mathematical sense?

Since the equation that gave antimatter a negative energy value and suggested that matter and antimatter are polar opposite, then why don’t typical energy equation work for antimatter?

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Grade: 6

Why do older people start to develop Alzheimer's and how can we slow down its progression?

In this research project, I am trying to figure out why older people get Alzheimer's? I also want to learn different ways to slow it down, since we can't prevent it.

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Grade: 6

Why is a Knuckleball so Difficult to Hit?

We will explain how the science behind how a knuckleball works, how to throw the pitch, and why it is so difficult to hit.

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Grade: 5

Why is chocolate toxic to dogs?

This project is about :"What is in chocolate that is toxic to dogs and and how we can prevent it."

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CYSF Director's Award
Grade: 7

Why Is It So Bright.

Testing how the potentiometer affects LCD and how it does it.

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Grade: 7

Why Lemons?

We will be testing and comparing lemons and an alkaline commercial cleaner. This is for us to find out if lemons are better at cleaning, and if that has to do with why people use lemons to clean.

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Grade: 7

Why Mental Illness is More Complex Than You Think

Here, we will do a deep-dive into mental illness and how complex it really is.

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Grade: 8

Why Social Media?

We are researching the cause and effect of productivity between ages 8-18, the reasoning behind dopamine, why it is addictive, and how it can be abused through social media.

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Grade: 7

Will the type of liquid used to water a plant affect it?

We will water our plants with four different liquids: Water, Coca Cola, Orange Juice, and Coffee and see how it affects the plants growth.

View Project
Grade: 7

wind energy or fossil fuels

wind energy how it will effect us and different wind turbines

View Project
Grade: 7

Windmills: Our Tomorrow

I researched about windmills, the types and how they work. I also experimented with the number of blades on each windmill.

View Project
Grade: 7

Wolves: Nature's Balance Explorers

Wolves and how they help balance the ecosystem

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Grade: 7

Would wastes and water be a good source for electricity?

Humans generate lots of daily wastes harming the environment. Our research is on building a hydrolysis system transforming all wastes to energy in a clean, gas free technology.

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Grade: 6

WW!!! E.M.P First Strike

The Danger of E.M.Ps

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Grade: 5

Zeah's Heart Project

Because I have family members with heart problems, I was curious to learn about how the humans functions.

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Grade: 5

Zoe.Z & Sadie.O

We will test different liquids with different densities in bottle rockets and see which one flies the highest. We will also see if the substance that wins can be a future fuel for people.

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Grade: 8

Zombie Ant Fungus

A research study on how a spore can take control of the body of an ant.

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