Which gender is more sensitive to heat

I will build a box that heats up. Then i will get each biological sex to step inside the box and come out when their palms get sweaty. Then i will do more reashearch.
Liv Multani
Grade 6


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That women will be more biologically sensitive to temperature drops


thermogenesis: in short it contrubuits to the process of heat makeing and a sub topic in metabolisim .

metabolic rate: when you are exposed to colder temprutures our metabolic rate tends to go higher.

the regulation of blood flow: in cold conditions  the blood vesels try to reduce heatloss to the bodys The metabolic process helps this response.

A study in the journal of applied psychology found out that biological men had their body heat 23% higher than woman’s .

woman actually tend to have higher tempruture in their core, but body tempruture depends more on the skins tempruture , and their skin is actually colder.

 When woman have their menstrual cycle or pregnancy, they may perceive temperature differently than they would normally. The reason is because of along with hormones effecting mood swings they can effect tempruture swings.

Woman tend to have higher percentages of body fat,which does contributing to how cold they feel. And scince body fat acts as an insulation, woman will feel colder in colder climates compared to men.

Peripheral circulation: scince woman have smaller bodies compared to men, they also have differences in this circulation.When you have failures in the peripheral cycle you tend to get colder extremities such as feet and hands . This is more common to happen in the female body.

things such as comfort preferences can influence how others respond to tempruture drops. Theses things consist of: clothing choices , personal choices,diet,etc.

enviormental factors such as humidity and wind chill can influence what a person feels compared to others.For example high humidity can change your perception because it stopes evaportive cooling, where as wind chill can give a person more heat loss

certain health conditions like thyroid disorders or any conditions to do with how your blood circulation is funtioning can effect an indivissuals sensitivity to cold.Both sexes can have diffrent reactions to these health functioning problems.



To research for the following months.

research about:

metabolism and how it effects heat

how hormones effect it

which biological sex is more sensitive to tempruture drops on a average.

How personal choice effects it


Mid-way in my research I realized that what so far my hypothesis was accurate. Because I realized that every source I was using was saying that women are colder for a variety of reasons.



My conclusion is that Biological women are colder for a variety of reasons. I noticed that no matter the source every article ended with this conclusion. And when it came to statistics, women were still below men's tempruture. Therefore, this is how I came to this conclusion.


Sources Of Error



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