Magnetic Dust Experiment

testing different magnets on magnetic dust.
Alex Wasyliw Gavin Welder
Grade 6


Circle Magnet-We think that the circle magnet will have all of the magnetic dust when it is close to the magnet it will show the outline's of the magnet without beaning able to see the magnetic field's. Because there is no north and south pole's.

Bar Magnet-We think that most of the magnetic dust will be consantrated to the pole's, and you will be able to see the the magnatic field's. We think that the field's will almost look like a butterfly without the body. Because the magnets repele and react in a circle instead of just pulling everything to the poles of the magnet.

Horseshoe Magnet-We think that it will look like the Bar Magnet but bent 180 degrees. Because the magnetic field's will go around the flat parts. 

Ball Magnets- We think that the magnetic dust will take form of the shape that we put it in. Because they are magnets and the magnetic dust is not a magnet but magnetic so it will stight to the small magnetic balls  



We researched how much money the magnetic dust would cost. We also researched what kind of metels would attract to the magnetic dust.


controled                                                         manipulating                         responding

-the paper                                                        -the magnet                          -the dust change's 

-the magnetic dust                                                                                        

-the the way we sprincle the dust 


#1 put the magnet under the paper

#2 sprinkle the dust on top of the paper 

#3 observe the dust moving on the paper


circle magnet-We noticed that you could see the shape of the magnet but you cound not see the magnetic field's. there is also a ring with no dust in it and there is a small magnatic pull outside of the ring with no dust. 

Bar magnet-We noticed that the dust migrated to the pole's of the magnet. You can see the magnetic feild of the magnet and it almost look's like a spider. There is a small amount of dust around the main part o fthe pole's

Houreshoe magnet -We noticed rthat the dust touck shap of the magnet, you can see the outline's of the magnet and the dust migrated to the pole's. agen you can see no dust after the main part of the magnet and then you can see the magnetic field's. 

Magnetic ball's- We noticed that there is a small gap betwen each ball. Each ball has its own magnetic dust ball. There is a magnetic field around the shape.  



3-4 of the magnets had a magnetic field the circle magnet did not have a magnatic field. 3-4 magnets the dust had taken shape of the full magnet, but the bar magnet the poles of the bar had been taken shape of. 


After the experment we noticed that the magnetic dust moved diffrently when spred over each magnet. For example on the ball magnets it took shape of every single ball but on the bar magnet it went to the pole's. For the circle magnet the first part of the hypothsis was correct but we did not include that there would be a ring with no magnetic dust around it. This part of the hypothsis was correct,most of the magnetic dust will be consantrated to the pole's, and you will be able to see the the magnatic field's.but the rest wasent correct. this part was correct,the magnetic field's will go around the flat parts. and this but we did not say that there would be more magnetic dust at the poles. 


you could see the magnetic field's and that could help scientists with magnets. 

Sources Of Error

The sorse of error is that the magnets where not the same strangth so we can not be sure of the correct answer to our hypothesis.


We did not use any book's or ardicals with this project.


We would like to acknowledge my dad that had helped us with the experment as he is a welding inspetor wich is one of his skills and he olso bout the dust. we would also like say that we had our parents hosat each other over.