when you close your eyes do you hear better?

I am testing if having your eyes closed will help you hear better.
Tzvi Kutnowski
Grade 6


No video provided


I think when your eyes are closed you hear better, because when your not focussed on sight, you focus more on other senses such as hearing


In challenging listening conditions, closing the eyes is a strategy with intuitive appeal to improve auditory attention and perception. On the neural level, closing the eyes increases the power of alpha oscillations (∼10 Hz), which are a prime signature of auditory attention.-ttps://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/



i am changing the volume of the sound until they cant hear it anymore with there eyes closed or opened.


I asked them to say "I don't hear it anymore" when they don't hear it anymore. They were ment to go a meter away from the computer. I put on the sounds with their eyes closed, and I recorded down when they stopped hearing it. Then proceding to do the same with their eyes open.


The average Hertz the participants herd with their eyes closed is 17,509.3 Hertz. The average Hertz the participants heard with their eyes opened is 17,613.4 Hertz. So in conclusion when your eyes are closed you hear better.


The average Hertz the participants herd with their eyes closed is 17,509.3 Hertz. The average Hertz the participants heard with their eyes opened is 17,613.4 Hertz. So in conclusion when your eyes are closed you hear better.


The average Hertz the participants herd with their eyes closed is 17,509.3 Hertz. The average Hertz the participants heard with their eyes opened is 17,613.4 Hertz. So in conclusion when your eyes are closed you hear better.


  1. Have them closer to the computer
  2. Have their hair out of the way
  3. Move to a quieter room
  4. Use the same computer
  5. Ensure that they tell the truth

Sources Of Error

  • The computer’s changed
  • Their hair could have been blocking their ears
  • They could have been lying


  1. My principal, Mrs. Cameron, for helping with my Science Fair slides.
  2. My general studies teacher, Ms. Lovell, for her grammar and spelling tips (on the slideshow).
  3. My dad, Rabbi Kutnowski, for giving me extra time to do Science Fair.
  4. My mom, Mrs. Kutnowski, for all of her support.
  5. My 2 friends, Tahel and Abigail, for helping me with my slideshow.


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