Does different amount of water help the growth of plants?

i am trying to see if different amounts of water help plants growth to help people give the right amount of water
Josh Giglia
Grade 7


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I think the 300 ml water will help plant growth because plants need a lot of water



I found that people check the moisture level in the soil by sticking a finger into it. When watering spider plants when the top of the soil is dry, water the plant at the base of the stem not hitting the leaf.

The best way to grow spider plants is indoors. Most people think spider plants do not need bright light, but plants will grow faster if they have more light,so keep them in bright light but not outside. Do not keep your spider plants outside because they will dry out and they don’t like being cold.


  •  100 ml per week
  • 200 ml per week
  • 300 ml per week


  1. Fill three pots with potting soil
  2. Plant a spider plant plantlet in each pot
  3. Mark a leaf with a marker so you know which one to measure
  4. Water one plantlet with 100ML water, another with 200 ML water, and the last plantlet with 300 ML water every Wednesday
  5. Label each pot with how much water will be used for them
  6. Measure each plant every week using a ruler. 




100 mL of water

200mL of water 

300mL of water 

February 21st  height


24 cm


February 27st  height




March 5st  height



I was correct, the 200 ml of water made the plant grow the tallest.


I was correct, the 200 ml of water made the plant grow the tallest.


I think people can use the information from my project because they will know how much water to give to a spider plant. Because a spider plant helps clean indoor air, people want to have them in their homes and need to know how to properly care for them.

 In the future I would add more species of plants to test on so people can have a better understanding of various plant’s needs. 


Sources Of Error

i had to redo my projecc becaue my last one was not working




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