Flower Hybridization

I will research behind the science of cross-pollination and hybridization of flowers
Taymiyah Khan
Grade 9


No video provided


If two flowers of a similar species cross-pollinate, will it make a hybrid of the two with similar characteristics and structures?




- Finish background info

- Form queston/problem

- Form hypothesis

- Start reasearch

- Analysis/conclution



When two flower species crossbreed, the resulting offspring can inherit traits from one or both parents. Factors such as gene dominance can impact the resemblance between offspring and parents. Though some of them had more resemblance to one parent than the other its true that two different flowers of a similar species can hybridize


I would like to aknowlege the judges who took the time to really look throught my presentation dispite the fact that I had lost alot of time and had to finish my presentation within the last few days. I would also like to aknowlegde the fact that my teacher led me through the whole procces.