Spinning Surfaces

Determining what surfaces provided the least friction.
Malin Leslie
Grade 6


If a top is spun on a K9 crystal base, then it will allow the top to spin the longest because it is designed to be a near frictionless surface therefore making it easier to spin on than the others.  



Science is everywhere in every form. From car brakes to drinking water, science is behind it all. Some of the main categories of science are: Formal science, focusing on systems and methodology on topics such as Mathematics and Statistics, Natural science directs towards natural phenomena such as physics, chemistry, astronomy , and biology. The last catagoiry is Social sciences that looks at human behaviour, and its cultural and social aspects leading into sciences like psychology, sociology, and economics. Due to the fact that friction is a form of the natural branch of science and plays a role in this experiment, it will be researched. Gravity is a form of fundamental science and is everywhere, therefore,that will be touched on later. To thoroughly understand the experiment, tops will also be looked apon as one of the topics to touch on.The next slides will get deeper into gravity, friction, and tops. 

As a top is the conductor in this test, researching tops plays a major role in this experiment.  Astonishingly, it is not clear when the top was created or discovered due to the fact that it has been found in every continent in the world except for Antarctica, and is as old as nearly 6,000 years ago and is also the oldest known toy in the world.  In addition, tops have been found in ruins of the ancient city of Ur (now known as Muqayyar,Iraq) from 3,500 B.C.E. as well as a wooden top found in King Tut’s tomb from 1323 B.C.E in EgyptTops have also been found in ancient cities in other places such as Turkey, China, Thebes, and Greece,  just to name a few.  Currently, a top is now a modern toy for young children but there are still some modern uses and beliefs for the top. Nowadays, the top is used for a Hanukkah game called The Eight Days Of Chance with a top considered the Dreidel. Although the top was made originally for entertainment, it has developed as a portion of gambling and prophecy, as well as viewed to be a creation to take with you to the Afterlife and to honor the Gods. Stunningly, tops have a lot of history behind them and are wonderful creations to follow people into the future

Gravity is needed to be researched, as it is a force we will have to keep in mind during this experiment. To start, an object must have mass in order to be effected by Gravity. Secondly, the more mass an object has, the more Gravity is applied. However, with distance, Gravity will weaken; meaning the closer objects are to one another, more Gravitational pull occurs. Nonetheless, Gravity accelerates objects towards the center of the Earth, making it an almost undeniable force to go against.  Moreover, Gravity was discovered by Sir Isaac Newton in the year 1687 when he observed a apple falling from a tree. In conclusion, Gravity is a force of physics found in your everyday life.

In this experiment, Friction will play a part, causing it to naturally be a topic worth researching.  Moreover, Leonardo Da Vinci discovered the force called Friction in the year 1493 when recording data of a reaction occurring when two surfaces slid over each other.  However, scientists are not exactly sure why Friction occurs, it is thought to be caused by interactions between the tiny bumps on surfaces as they interact and rub together. Regardless, the rougher the surface the more produced Friction: as to be a flat surface the surface must have no high or low points and is completely even throughout.  Howbeit, Friction is found almost everywhere, even if you don't know it; in your car brakes, when pressing on the brake pad against the moving part, as well as climbing a steep hill, making a fire, and downhill skiing. Also, Friction has a major impact on machinery and can even affect lives. Friction is undeniably one of the most common forces in the daily life.


Manipulated Variable

Surface material the top is spun on

Responding Variable

length of time top spins

Controlled Variables

Top, stopwatch, amount of rotation put into spin, person spinning top


  1. Gather materials needed
  2.  Collect a large piece of thin cardboard
  3.  Take a compass and draw a large (9 cm from tip to tip) circle in the middle of the cardboard
  4. Pick up a pair of scissors and cut out the circle drawn on the cardboard
  5.  Mark each quarter of the circle with a dash and a number of where it would be located on a anolog clock (3,6,9,12)
  6. Set the cardboard measuring device to the side
  7. Open and unbox the top
  8. Remove the top out of the box
  9. Set the box aside
  10. Unlock the phone
  11. Open the clock app
  12. Go to the stopwatch setting
  1. Set the cardboard measuring device on the first of the five surfaces
  2. Pick up the top
  3. Hover the one of the hands over the start button on the digital stopwatch on the phone
  4. Winde the top up to the nine o’clock dash with the other hand
  5. Release the top and press the start button at the same time
  6. Watch the top until it starts to tumble and halt to a complete stop








R.T.A. Yearbook


This spin was off to a solid start but then began to wiggle and rock for a pure 3 seconds before coming to a complete stop

Ceramic Dinner Plate


It took a few moments for the top to become stable and spun in tiny loops instead of staying in one spot

Quartz Countertop


Started very promising in the center but slowly inched towards the 9 dash

Wooden Coffee Table


The top spun uncontrollably towards the 3 dash at an alarming rate but before the top could reach the cardboard it tumbled to a stop

K9 Crystal


The top started it large circles but quickly narrowed down to one spot close to the center and stayed so still that if it wasn’t for the lights reflection it would have looked as if the top was balancing 





R.T.A. Yearbook


A finer spin then before staying in the center with no problems

Ceramic Dinner PLate


The top made small, barely noticeable circles when it spun and made loud, scratching noises on the final seconds

Quartz Countertop


When the top spun it was in small, timid circles that got grater as time went on

Wooden Coffee Table


The top had a drastic slide towards the 3 dash until it got to the edge, inched up the outline of the circle for a few seconds before tumbling to a stop

K9 Crystal 


This was a very veritable spin though the last 16 seconds was the top rocking





R.T.A. Yearbook


Though it started off in the center, the top waddled over to the ‘3’ side and then stayed there until it lost balance and rattled out of control 

Ceramic Dinner Plate


The top started making big circle towards the area between the 3 and 6 dash and had a somewhat long recovery from losing its balance

Quartz Countertop


The top made personal circles around itself but then steadied before slightly moving towards the 9 dash

Wooden Coffee Table


The top fiercely spun towards the 3 dash but tumblining before making it there

K9 Crystal


The top started making almost uncontrollable circles but then shrank and steadied




The previous graph states that while the K9 crystal base or the Quartz countertop would be an acceptable choice, the R.T.A yearbook or the Wooden coffee table may not be exquisite.  Between the K9 crystal and the R.T.A yearbook is a whopping 166.41 second difference creating quite a gap for the other variables to fill. In order from greatest to least quantity of seconds it would start with K9 Crystal, then Quartz Countertop, the Ceramic Dinner Plate, now the Wooden Coffee Table, and lastly, the R.T.A. Yearbook. As the K9 crystal spun the top the longest and the R.T.A yearbook with the shortest, the Wooden Coffee Table was skimming the lower rates, the Ceramic Dinner Plate was next in line.  With only 56.43 seconds between the Quartz Countertop and the K9 Crystal, they both were at the top of the leaderboard. 




Finding a frictionless surface was an intriguing endeavour to express. The Hypothesis divulged that the K9 crystal would allow the top to spin for a prolonged period of time, and was proven. Initially, the thought was if the K9 crystal was valued as a lustrous crystal for smooth, sleek surfaces therefore making it a nearly frictionless surface. For more accurate results, locating the surfaces on the same altitude for no slants and uneven tilts. In the future, a major help is to have all the surfaces nearly the same age or damage result for more relevant results. Overall, this experiment provided useful information that can be applied to the real world. 



Friction has both positive and negative effects on humanity. Moveover, from writing in a journal to flying aeroplanes friction is behind it all, whether it's heating mechanical parts, restricting motion, creating static, and contributing to the problems of wear and tear, it's there. Friction can wear down the pulley and the belt, resulting in breakdown of machinery like an elevator, and can even affect lives.Scientists have noticed the importance of frictionless-ness and have created some of the most intriguing products. Non- stick condiment bottles,sharkskin swimsuits, non- stick gum, and graffiti repelling walls were just a few of the sublime creations.  In the future, another experiment could be testing just crystal surfaces for less broad results. For a more common variety, testing different types of polished wood may be preferable. To diverge this project, spinning multiple tops on the same surface would be a way to go. 



Sources Of Error

Though the experiment went adroitly, ther where some oversights throughout. First of all, due to the top tumbling, the flywheel (main body) and the knurled handle produced micro scratches, leading to an nanoscopic error. 

Also, this experiment was conduced with multiple other living bodys creating household vibrations.

 Moreover, each sample of surface was bought and used for a different amount of time, possibly wearing down some more then others.

Though a measuring device was created, diffrent amounts of force was applied.

Lastly, each reaction time was broadly miscalculated, causing inaccurate results due to human error. 


