Sprouting solutions:a plant growth experiment

testing the ideal plant growing conditions.
Simon Wagner
Grade 5


Experiment 1 light

I think plant 1 ( 100% light) will be the best because plants need light to grow.

Experiment 2 soil

I think plant 3 ( half charged carbon half potting soil) will be the best because the soil looks rich in nutrians.


Online it said that other people that have done the experiment found that you should have moist heavy soil and when you water the peasyou should drain them.For light they said that 100% light works best but shade will work just as good.the grow light should be on for 10 to 12 hous a day and you should check on them every day.It also said you should water the peas one inch all around the pot.


Manipulated varibels Experiment 1 light

Amount of light each plant gets.

Controled varibels Experiment 1 light

The cups I grew the plants in.

amount of water each plant gets(15ml).

Tempeture of the room I grew plants in(room temeture).

Type of soil I grew The plants in.


Manipulated varibels Experiment 2 soil

Type of soil the plants grew in.

Controled varibels Experiment 2 soil

The cups I grew the plants in.

Amount of water each plant gets(15ml).

Tempeture of the room I grew my plants in(room temeture).

Amount of light each plant gets(100%).


Experiment 1 -light

For this experiment I tested the amount of light by using 3 diffrent growing conditions.

Plant 1- 100% light 

Plant 2- shade

Plant 3 -no light at all

I wated each plant 1ml of water a day.I used a timer and a light bar so plant 1 could get 12 hours of light each day.

For plant 2-shade I covered the top with a translusent plastic lid and for plant 3-no light at all I coverd the top with a opaque plastic lid.


Experiment 2-soil

I grew the peas for 12 days just like experiment 1 Iwated 15ml each day and all of the plants got 100% light because that's what worked best in experiment 1.  

For this experiment I tested soil using 3 diffrent growing conditions.

Plant 1 - potting soil

Plant 2 - charged carbon 

Plant 3 - A mixture of half potting soil and half chrged carbon 

Charged carbon is a flaky mixture of carbenised bamboo and potting soil is store bought and looks healthy because of the diffrent colours of soil (brown,black and white fertillizer).


Experiment 1 - light 

Plant 1 as you can see is the shortest plant while plant 3 is super tall but greenish yellow.  Plant 2 is greener too but is still short.

Plant 3 grew very long roots but they were all super skinny. Plant 2 had a little more leavs than plant 3 and about 5 roots that looked healthy but still could do better.Plant 1 was very short but super green and had lots of leavs starting to grow.The roots were super thick and there was lots.

My hypothisist was right plant 1 was the best!

Experiment 2 - soil

All of the plants sprouted by day 7 of the experiment and surprisingly all of the sprouts were green unlike the last experiment.

Plant 1 pretty much did not grow very much compared to plant 1 in the last experiment,all of the plants didn't grow as much comparde to the last experiment.

Plant 2 had a mideume sized root with other tiny roots coming of it and the leaves were green and healthy as was the sprout.



Experiment 1 - light 

I think Plant 3 was the tallest because the pea was trying to reach for the light because plants need light to grow and it didn't have any.

The results were suprising because of the roots.

Experiment 2 - soil

I think the plants grew alittle slower because the basement got colder as the outdoors grew colder.

I have no idea why the plants roots were kind of white and more bony or hard.Maby the roots on plant 2 were bony and white because of the charged carbon?


I learned alot by testing plant growing conditions in this experiment.I learned about what I call the plant triangle,It's kind of like the plant triangle exepet for plant growing conditions.


I hope my experiments can be used on plants to make the bigger, faster and produce more food so we can have a bigger brighter future.

Sources Of Error

I think this for both experiments,maby as the outdoors got colder the basement got colder as well.Also I didn't mesure the plants every day for experiment 1 and 2 but for experiment 3 I did.And maby the plants needed more space since I only grew them in plastic party cups.

Also over watering becfause on the last experiment plant 2 and 3 were always damp or wet.


 -The Nationial Gardening Asociation

-empress of dirt


My parents for setting up the grow light and printing things 

My teachers for teaching me and also giving me the trifold and support.