Do mosquitoes prefer different blood types

Trying to discover which blood type does mosquitoes prefer.
Eliyahu Gluck
Grade 9


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Do mosquitoes prefer different blood types? If so why?



I used blood types advatages and disadvantages with also how much a proteins does a blood type need. With knowing factors of why mosquties bite you more often than other blood types. By observing a survey from 2004, I can see which blood type gets bitten more often.



Type O blood seems to be a mosquitoes preferred blood type as compared to A, B and AB, but the only main difference was when it was compared to Type A. Let's first see what causes a mosquito to bite you first one thing mosquitoes like is high heats so if you have these factors for example, You exhale more carbon dioxide than the people around you, diets like the ketotic diet ,You recently exercised, or you have a high metabolism and being pregnant, all these factors release heat. Mosquitoes like blood type O because blood type O has the highest protein diet and since one of the factors is diets and a specifically the kitotic one which needs more protein than an average person and mosquitoes like people who have more protein so blood type O has and needs a lot of proteins, mosquitoes probably prefer them.



Blood type O is bitten twice the time as often as blood type A, blood type AB is the same as blood type A and B they don't get bitten as often than Blood type O. In other words a survey was took in 2004, researchers released Aedes albopictus mosquitoes to a room of humans and watched what happened. After the survey they found out that blood type O was the most superior one of them all when it comes to getting bitten and blood type A was the least.



Since from my research I have found out that mosquitoes do prefer different blood types which is proving my hypothesis correct. 





Mr Greg and Mrs.schristy and  Mrs. Cameron


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