Frozen Metabolism

This study looks at how temperature affects cold-blooded animals' bodies since they can't regulate their temperature internally like warm-blooded animals. By changing their environment, we can see how their bodies react and how they survive in different c
Gurleen Kaur Grewal Jasmeen Sohal
Grade 8


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Global warming is having a big impact on animals like reptiles, amphibians, and certain fish. One major effect is on how the temperature determines the sex of some animals during their development. For example, turtles and crocodiles are affected, and as temperatures change due to global warming, it can mess up the balance of males and females born. These animals, which rely on the outside temperature to regulate their body heat, might start acting differently and changing where they go and what they eat. Because of global warming, the places where they live are also changing, making it harder for them to find a good home. The way their bodies work, like how fast they grow and reproduce, is also being affected by the higher temperatures. Plus, changes in rainfall patterns are making it tough for animals that need water to survive. So, it's important to do things to protect these animals and their homes from the impacts of global warming.





Outside temperature's affects how the bodies of cold-blooded animals work in many different ways and concepts. These animals, such reptiles and amphibians, can't control their body temperature, so it depends on the temperature outside. When it's colder, their metabolism slows down, which means their bodies work more slowly. The molecules in their bodies move less, so chemical reactions and important functions happen more slowly. This helps them save energy when it's chilly. On the flip side, when it gets warmer, their metabolism speeds up. This means their bodies work faster, and they become more active. In colder times, cold-blooded animals might not move around much, maybe even hibernate. But when it's warm, they become more lively, ready for activities like eating and reproducing. So, these animals adapt to different temperatures by adjusting how fast their bodies work, which affects their behavior and survival in various environments. Understanding this relationship helps us learn more about how these animals live and survive.



In  conclusion, the impact on the temperature on the metabolism of cold blooded animals is a very complex situation. As when temperature decreases cold blooded animals experience a difficult time in their metabolic rate leading to many things such as low energy levels and their biological processes slowing down.  This metabolic slowdown allows them to conserve energy and survive in colder environments but it limits their activity and growth.






We would like to acknowledge our parents, teachers (Ms. Fauzia, Ms. Amanda, Mr. Eng, Mr.Cheema, Ms.Harpreet), principle (Ms.Seran),and vice principal (Ms. Pepper), Japjeet Sohal, Muskaan Sohal, Manpreet Chahal, Simranjit Singh, Avneet Gill, Arshdeep Kaur, Harjap Klair, Jasmeet Kaur for helping us throughout this project and help us make this possible. 



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