Can the flavour of ice cream change how it melts?

Testing to see if different flavours of ice cream melt faster.
Giancarlo Profeta Parker Danielson
Grade 6


No video provided


We think that the flavours with chunks, artificial flavouring, and sauce will melt differently than plain ice cream. We think the flavour with chunks will melt the slowest because the chunks will act like ice cubes. We think the flavours with sauce will melt the fastest because it is very sugary. The yogurt flavour we think will be one of the slowest because it is the thickest when defrosted. The one with no sugar or lactose will be one of the slower ones as well. The strawberry and vanilla flavours will be one of the "Middle melting" ones.  


  • Ice cream can take 10 minutes to 30 minutes to fully melt into a liquid
  • Ice cream is a form of frozen cream and milk usually flavoured with artificial flavouring and sweeteners
  • In ice cream, around 70% of it is milk or milk products 
  • To melt is to fully change a solid into a liquid. (ice, ice cream, etc.)
  • Ice cream melts at the temperature of -0 ºc ( 32 ºF )




The controlled variables are; the type of bowl, the temperature in the room, the amount of ice cream, and the brand of ice cream.

The manipulative variables are the flavour/type of ice cream.

The responding variables are how fast it melts, and how long it takes to melt, 


Measure equal amounts of ice cream, 1/2 cup, mark the start time of each flavour, observe and record results, then mark the end time.


- Lactose free/sugar free feels very soft

- Frozen yogurt vanilla feels soft as well

- Vanilla feels hard

- Chocolate peanut butter cup feels hard but not as hard as vanilla

-Strawberry shortcake feels soft

2:14 PM and the slowwest melting one is the strawberry, and the fastest is the caramel sauce flavour. 

2:34 PM and strawberry looks like it has started to melt, and vanilla & caramel are melting the fastest.

3:06 Vanilla is melting of the most. Vanilla with no sugar and lactose free is melting the second fastest, while frozen yoghurt vanilla is third. Caramel sauce is fourth, chocolate peanut butter cup is fifth, and strawberry shortcake is sixth.

3:34 Lactose free/no sugar vanilla is melting the most, regualar vanilla is in second, then frozenn yogurt vanilla is in third. The chocolate peanut butter cup is in fourth, the strawberry shortcake in fifth, and the caramel in last. 

The first flavour to melt was no sugar-lactose free in 1 hour 55 minutes.

Vanilla and frozen yogurt melted in 2 hours.

Chocolate peanut butter cup took 2 hours 2 minutes.

Strawberry shortcake took 2 hours 4 minutes. 

The slowest one was the caramel sauce in 2 hours 13 minutes. 


The first flavor to melt was no sugar-lactose-free at 1 hour 55 minutes. Vanilla and frozen yogurt melted in 2 hours. The chocolate peanut butter cup took 2 hours and 2 minutes. Strawberry shortcake took 2 hours and 4 minutes. The slowest one was the caramel sauce in 2 hours 13 minutes. 


The answer to our question is yes. The flavour of ice cream does affect the way that it melts, especially if it has sauces or chunks. The longest lasting one was salted caramel sauce which lasted 2 hours and 13 minutes. Remember, it took that long to melt when we weren't touching it at all. If you are holding it, eating it, or touching it.


If you are having a party or hanging out with your friends or something, and you have a tub of ice cream sitting out, the best brand to buy is Chapmans because it lasts the longest and it has good and unique flavours. We would recommend getting flavours with caramels or sauces because, according to our results, those flavours last the longest. 

Sources Of Error

We didn't encounter any sources of error. Some sources of error that could have happened include; accidentally buying a different brand of ice cream, putting the ice cream in different places, or changing the temperature in the room. 


We would like to acknowledge are friends and family who have helped through this project we would like to acknowledge parkers mom melinda Giancarlo's mom heather are grade 5 teacher miss Arcuri and our grade  6 teacher miss spelay