A missing chapter in human history

This project will asses the claims many 'scientists' have made that pre-ice age human societies may have been more advanced then we previously thought.
Aneet Dhaliwal
Grade 8


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The accepted understanding of human history is challenged by the theory that advanced societies existed before the last Ice Age. Those who support this theory sometimes cite evidence found in archaeological sites, mysterious artefacts, and old myths as proof of a missing chapter in human history. Supporter of this theory Graham Hancock is the author of multiple books, such as "Fingerprints of the Gods," which makes a strong argument for the presence of prehistoric societies possessing sophisticated knowledge and skills.
However, the issue lies in the fact that there are many critiques and challenges of these ideas, and many of the advocaters of this topic are considered psuedoscientists (including Dr. Hancock).

Most mainstream archelogists remain sceptical. As the so called 'evidence' often contains peoples personally biases and misinterpetations of evidence. 

Some issues to consider are; 


1. Methodological Concerns:

- Proponents of pre-Ice Age civilizations have faced criticism from mainstream scientists for their methods, pointing out their tendency to rely on selective evidence and interpret data in a biased way.

- Many of the claims made by advocates are deemed less credible by a lack of dedication to of thorough peer assessment.


2. Misinterpretation of the Evidence:

- Critics argue that tectonic activity and erosion, rather than intentional human design, are the more likely explanations for geological structures like the Yonaguni Monument.

- Likewise, the cultural and technological settings of the megalithic structures' various eras are frequently the basis for well-documented explanations of ancient artefacts and structures.


3. Anachronistic Interpretations:

- Outdated interpretations, which ignore the symbolic and cultural connotations embedded in these representations, are frequently levelled against the interpretation of ancient artwork and writings as proof of advanced technologies.
- Claims of lost knowledge or communication with alien civilizations are considered fictional and unsupported by data.


4. Colonial narratives and cultural bias:

- Some critics argue that the interest in pre-Ice Age civilizations is biased towards Europe, downplaying the contributions made by indigenous cultures and sustaining colonial notions of superiority and development                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            - Understanding different viewpoints and approaching the study of ancient history with awareness of culture is very important.

Now, bearing this in mind, I will conduct my research on this topic, whilst trying to keep an open mind. But also understanding how some ideas may be biased, and have more eurocentric views.



I'll explore four ancient locations, including Göbekli Tepe, in my research to see if advanced societies existed before the ice age. I'll look at a variety of sources, including the views of experts who have studied each site, to make sure I do things correctly. Keep note that by advanced societies, I mesn what we cal, technologically advanced.


The first historical location I would like to cover is the Gunung Padang, located in indonesia. 

Gunang Padang - Evidence for pre ice age societies; 

People in support of this theory often argue that these sites aren't looked into enough because it challenges the current understanding of human history. At this time humans were seen to have been simple 'hunter gatherers', so the implications of the Gunung Padang being man-made, and have layers of underground strcutures contridicts everything we know about human history. Graham Hancock a scientist/psuedoscientist believes that it is dangerous that people aren't open to looking into the origins of this structure and many others.

The geological characteristics of the site, such as the large terraces and stone layers, point to an amount of human participation that differs from that of natural formations. Dates obtained from radiocarbon dating of samples taken from the site go back thousands of years, which is earlier than understood estimates of when individuals lived in the area. In addition, advancements in geological survey methods, such electrical resistivity tomography and ground-penetrating radar, demonstrates the presence of underground structures beneath the surface, indicating the possibility of a complex massive complex. Scientist Danny Hilaman claims he found evidence of underground chambers, using carbon 14 dating techniques on drill cores. 


Gunang Padang - Critiques & debunking; 

Even with the strong evidence that pre-ice age theory advocates have presented, critics have highlighted up a number of criticisms and opposing views of the Gunung Padang site. One of the main points of debate is the idea that geological features are man-made structures. The site's terraces and stone patterns may have formed as a result of natural processes like tectonic activity and erosion, according to critics, complicating traditional understandings of the location.


Experts such as Flint Dibble, point out the the buried material which scientists like Danny Hillman claimed 'proved the existance of advanced human societies before the ice age', could have easily been of natural orgin. Hillman and his team have provided no proof that their 'evidence' was of human orgin. 

Other researchers did not agree with this, "This claim involves making a huge, huge leap from the data they have, which is at best sort of intriguing, to a huge conclusion about a pyramid buried deep beneath the ground"  said scientist Bill Farley. "“It is really, really weak and I think it is very reasonable that this paper is being investigated. It was not worthy of publication and it would not shock me if it is eventually retracted.."

Sceptics argue that contaminants or errors in sample analysis might alter chronological estimates, raising question on the accuracy of radiocarbon dating conclusions. They claim that reports of pre-ice age habitation are at best theoretical in due to the lack of solid and backed of up data.

Other theories suggest that rather of being a permanent community, Gunung Padang may have operated as a ceremonial or ritual place. This conclusion is supported by the lack of solid evidence, such as household artefacts or architectural remains that reflect daily life. In addition, critics suggest that it is more difficult to recreate the site's relevance within the wider scope of human history because there are no written documents or direct cultural continuity with acknowledged past civilizations. (Note: This does not include oral history). 


The second historical location I would like to cover is the Yonaguni Monument, located in Japan.


Yonaguni Monument - Evidence for pre ice age societies; 

The Yonaguni Monument, located off Yonaguni Island, is a subject of debate among scientists and enthusiasts. Some suggest it's evidence of advanced societies predating the last Ice Age, while others believe it's a natural formation. 

The Yonaguni Monument consists of massive, terraced stone steps, pillars, and platforms that stretch over an area of approximately 100 meters long and 20 meters tall. Its symmetrical features, intricate geometric patterns, and the presence of what appear to be carved symbols have led many to speculate about its origins. Proponents of the theory that it is a man-made structure point to the precision of its construction and the absence of similar geological formations in the surrounding area. They argue that the monument's alignment with cardinal directions and the presence of right angles suggest deliberate design rather than natural occurrence.

The Yonaguni Monument covers an area of around 100 metres in length and 20 metres in height and is made up of huge, terraced stone stairs, pillars, and platforms. Many have speculated about its origins due to its symmetrical features, complex geometric patterns, and the presence of what appear to be carved symbols. The precise nature of its design and the lack of comparable natural formations nearby support the notion that it is a man-made structure. They argue that the monument's right angles and correspondence with the cardinal directions point to deliberate layout rather than a random occurrence.

Supprters of this idea suggest that our ancestors may have possessed sophisticated knowledge and skills that have since been lost or obscured by the passage of time. Knowledge that was shared across the globe. 

Though the Yonaguni Monument has generated controversy, its value goes beyond scholarly discussion. It serves as a reminder of the secrets that lay beneath the surface of the water and the possibility that new discoveries could cast doubt on our knowledge of the past.

Formations include a 'pryramid-like monument'. Along with other strcutures that resemble castles, arches, stadiums etc. 

When viewing this image, one can see that the formation does not appear to be natural. 


Yonaguni Monuement - Critiques & debunking; 

The general agreement among geologists that the Yonaguni Monument is a naturally formed monument moulded by geological processes serves as one of the main reasons against its man-made origin. After a thorough examination, famous geologist Dr. Robert Schoch—who is most known for his work on the Sphinx in Egypt—came to the conclusion that the Yonaguni Monument is the product of natural weathering and erosion. Schoch draws attention to the presence of common geological characteristics that are congruent with real rock formations, such as bedding planes and jointing. He further points out that the natural origin theory is further supported by the fact that such formations can be found in other places of the world, such as the Basalt Columns in Northern Ireland.

Moreover, Dr. John Anthony West, Dr. Schoch's colleague and supporter of alternative ideas of archaeology, has voiced doubts about assertions that the Yonaguni Monument was constructed artificially. West highlights the dearth of conclusive proof that would point to human involvement in its development, such as tool marks or cultural artefacts. He contends that pareidolia—the tendency of the human mind to identify patterns and shapes where none exist—may play a role in the perception of naturally occurring geological formations as artificial constructions.

The geological setting in which the Yonaguni Monument is located is another crucial factor in its debunking. Active fault lines and seismic activity are two signs of tectonic activity that Dr. Robert Schoch and other geologists have found in the area. The construction of the terraced steps and platforms of the Yonaguni Monument can be explained by these geological processes in conjunction with the erosive effects of waves and currents. Schoch speculates that marine life, such algae and coral, may have contributed to the monument's altered appearance throughout time by  reshaping submerged rock surfaces.

In addition to geological evidence, archaeological investigations have failed to uncover any conclusive proof of human activity associated with the Yonaguni Monument. Dr. Masaaki Kimura, a marine geologist who has extensively studied the site, has admitted that while there are intriguing features suggestive of human intervention, such as what appear to be cut marks and carvings, there is no definitive evidence to support the hypothesis of a prehistoric civilization. Kimura himself has revised his initial interpretation of the monument as an artificial structure and now acknowledges its geological origins.


The third historical location I would like to cover is the Göbekli Tepe, located in Turkey.

Göbekli Tepe - Evidence for pre ice age societies;


Göbekli Tepe is known for its intricately carved T-shaped pillars, some of that stand over 16 feet tall and over two tons in weight. The circular patterns of these pillars indicate to a sophisticated understanding of engineering, architecture, and social structure.

The top archaeologist at Göbekli Tepe, Dr. Klaus Schmidt, believed the location was more of a ceremonial centre than a community. He addressed the myth that hunter-gatherer societies were incapable of building such huge structures, arguing instead that it took quite a bit of organising, labour, and social organisation to complete. Schmidt's findings align with the theory that a highly developed civilization with sophisticated architectural and ceremonial knowledge constructed Göbekli Tepe.

The common view of ancient civilization depicts them as nomadic hunter-gatherers, with agriculture and permanent settlements emerging around 10,000 years ago. However, the existence of Göbekli Tepe calls into question this story, implying that complex communities may have evolved much earlier, possibly before the end of the last Ice Age.

Dr. Graham Hancock, a renowned supporter of the "alternative history" theory, believes Göbekli Tepe shows the relics of a vanished civilization that lived during the pre-Ice Age period. He contends that the site's sophistication and the lack of domesticated plants or animals in its vicinity imply the presence of a society with knowledge and capacities that go beyond what modern archaeology recognises. (Note: Dr. Hancock views on the topic are often considered pseudoscientific, and his views are rather eurocentric.)

Furthermore, researchers like Dr. Robert Schoch use geological data that reveals the Sphinx and other ancient monuments precede the conventional period. Schoch's geological investigation suggests that the erosion patterns on the Sphinx are evidence of water weathering from a significantly wetter climate than prevailed during ancient Egypt, implying an earlier construction date. This hypothesis is consistent with the idea that advanced societies existed before the end of the last Ice Age, as suggested by supporters of the Göbekli Tepe hypothesis.

Göbekli Tepe is a distinctive archaeological oddity that calls into question long-held assumptions about human civilization's evolution. The site's detailed architecture, which dates back over 11,000 years, shows that advanced societies capable of colossal construction and complex social organisation existed prior to the end of the last Ice Age. While traditional archaeology continues to struggle with Göbekli Tepe's implications, experts such as Klaus Schmidt, Graham Hancock, and Robert Schoch have provided intriguing insights into the potential of prehistoric civilizations existing in history. As excavations and studies at Göbekli Tepe continue, we may uncover new mysteries about our ancient past and get a better knowledge of humanity's journey across millennia.

Göbekli Tepe - Critiques & debunking;

Researchers like Dr. Klaus Schmidt, the site's main excavator until his death in 2014, question initial interpretations of Göbekli Tepe as evidence of advanced pre-Ice Age societies. Schmidt suggested that Göbekli Tepe was a ceremonial centre rather than a residential community, challenging assumptions about advanced societal structures. He emphasised the lack of indications of permanent residence or agricultural activities, implying a deeper understanding of the site's purpose.

Dr. Jens Notroff, a current archaeologist working in Göbekli Tepe research, emphasises the site's ceremonial significance. He cites the finely carved pillars and the lack of domestic structures as evidence of its ritualistic function. Notroff's approach emphasises Göbekli Tepe's involvement in communal gatherings and religious practices, rather than its significance in terms of advanced societal development.

The construction methods used at Göbekli Tepe raise issues about the builders' technological ability. Dr. Oliver Dietrich, an archaeologist specialising on the site's architectural elements, emphasises the labor-intensive procedures used. According to Dietrich's research, the creation of Göbekli Tepe was based on simple tools and collective work rather than complex technologies, calling into question the claims of sophisticated prehistoric communities.

Clare, an archaeobotanist examining ancient plant remains at the site, observes a lack of grown crops and livestock. Clare's findings question ideas about the economies of advanced societies.How come there was no growth or livestock?


Julia Gresky, an archaeologist who works in the study of early human societies, and she advised caution in interpretation. Gresky underlines the importance of not forcing current ideas on ancient societies while also acknowledging the limitations of existing information. Her approach underlines the importance of humility and scientific rigor in appreciating Göbekli Tepe's relevance


Gunang Padang; Overall, I've assesed the site to have implications of some forgotten history. However, evidence supporting existance of pre-ice age societies is lacking, and doesn't seem very probable. Instead, it may be worthwhile to look into the history of the indigenous people living in Gunang Pandang and their advancement. I think more studies and research of the site should be done to further understand if the strcuture was manmade or not. If it turned out to be, it would be worthwhile to do more studies on the site. 

Yonaguni Monuement; Overall, I've assesed the site to have some compelling evidence towards the theory that 'advanced' human societies exisited before the ice age. Dr. Masaaki Kimura, a marine geologist who has extensively studied the site, has admitted that while there are intriguing features suggestive of human intervention. To me, that signifiys that this peice may hold some weight. As even sceptics admit there was likely some human involvation. Although its unlikely humans built the structure, it is worth looking into the possibility of human involvement in the strcututures creation. This evidence provided a lot of insight to my research.

Göbekli Tepe:. There is some merit to evidence based off of this monument. I don't believe it implies technologically advanced societies. However, it may imply that these societies believed in something that encourged them to use sheer strength, simple tools, and their understanding of the world around them to build this structure. It might be a good idea to furgher examine the beliefs of these people as this site seems to servenas a cermonial site.


In conclusion, the likelihood of advanced societies existing before to the ice age is rather unlikely, however it depends on what you define as advanced. Based on some geological, evidence, indigenous communities may have been more advanced then we thought. Colonisation resulted in the history of many of these groups to be silenced. Their strength and understanding of the world may have helped them build these structures. However, many pseudoscientific theories proposing such civilizations existed at such a scale and that it was achieved by 'alien ancestors' is rather ludicrous claim (I came across these claims in some sources).

There is some merit to these archeological discoveries, and while may not be true that 'advanced' societied existed before the age. These sites should definitely be looked more intk and see the implications it may have archeology. I haven't gathered enough evidemce against claims that advanced societies may have existed before the ice age to dismiss the idea.


Netflix documentry - Ancient Apocalypse (evidence in support of pre- ice age advanced huamn societies, note some information is very biased  )

https://www.discovery.com/exploration/Advanced-Civilization-Silurian-Hypothesis (evidence in support of pre- ice age advanced huamn societies, )

https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/no-there-wasnt-an-advanced-civilization-12-000-years-ago/  (evidence that "advanced" civilations did not exist before ice age, )


















































Note: Quillbot was used to help paraphrase some information, to help me find some vocabulary that could help me word my information. However, I did not use any paraphrased text word for word.

I acknowledge the scientists work and information i used for this project. I properly cited all my sources, used my own words disclosed any use of AI. I would like to thank my coordinator's for giving me the opportunity to do this project. 


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