the wonders of the digestive system

the wonders of the digestive system are we supposed to eat meat or veggtables
Abigail Praveen Clair Silbernagel
Grade 6


what we are supposed to eat, what is healthy and not healthy. our presentation is about what is healthy and what is not. we are researching about how and what we should do to be healthy and stay healthy. For humans there is alot of problems but sometimes eating the wrong thing can cause worser things. we are trying to say that we need better digestion systems because if we don't than in the future we might regret it. little things now can cause big things when we are adults or when we are old. 


We split the work up, Abby did all the research on the vegatable part and I did the work on the meat part. We both tried to prove our point on why we think the meat/vegatables are better.


we are reasearching about how vegtables and meat effect our digestive system. ois it goood, is it bad? but we are going to see what is healthy and what is not. we are finding out what what is the pro's and con's. its not going to be like "meat is bad don't eat it". there will be and i gareentee it have more supporting context. 


we have no data 


we had confirmed that you need a healthy diet no matter what if you dont than you could get heart diesease or renal failure we have said to many of our family members that it is important to eat healthy and get the daily nutreitions and proteins


abigail praveen- veggetables researcher

clair silbernagel- meat reasearcher

clairs mom- bought things, helping set up the science fait things.