Whispering Growth

We are seeing if talking to plants help them grow.
Gabrielle Glubish Mia Landmann
Grade 5


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Our hypothesis is that a plant that is talked to grows better than a plant that is ignored. We think this because human carbon dioxide influences growth and the vibrations of voices also can trigger genes of plants that help with growth.


We are going to have two plants. One we will talk to and interact to in a sweet voice while complimenting it, reading to it, ect. The other plant we will ignore completley. We will not talk to it, miminize sound around it, and be silent during watering/care. The plants will have the same amount of watering, sunlight, soil, and care. The only difference is that one is interacted with.


First we will get two of the same type of plant from a nursery. We will water them each at the same time every day. Each day when watering for one of the plants we will talk to it in a sweet voice and compliment it. The other will have no interaction with us. Every week, we will take a photo of each plant, measure it with a ruler, and over 4 - 5 weeks we will see which one grew quicker, or if they grew the smae amount. 


They both seem to grow at the same rate, but the one that is interacted with has been producing little spider plant "babies" and it can take a plant a ton of energy to produce new babies. Also, it produced a flower.


I think the plants both grew the same but the plant that interactec with procuded new "babies" is because it had a slightly better environment. A plant's enviroment can critically efect how it grows and reproduces. My theorie is that the carbon dioxide and vibrations it experienced from our voices influenced it to make new plants.


There is no real proof acording to this experiment that says that talking to plants truley helps them grow. But, it may as well influence the plant enough to help it reporoduce. We experienced that talking to plants is


Talking to plants has a chance of helping them grow, and if it does, it could help them grow more fruit and produce that could help the world. More fruit = More food for community.

Sources Of Error

We could have done the expiriment for a few more weeks to see more of a difference. Also, the Title could have been more origonal because we used AI to help us think of it.


We would like to acknowledge some students in our grade who helped us prepare our tri-fold: Sophie C. and Peyton M.

We would also like to acknowledge the teachers who helped with science fair for helping us with preparing and where there whenever we felt unsure.


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